Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pronger hit on Zach Parise.

This is the Chris Pronger elbow on Zach Parise that everyone was talking about, by the way the NHL is not going. Pronger has been suspended 8 times by the NHL for his bush league tactics. I think the NHL was wrong in not suspending Pronger and should have given him a game. Doesn't the NHL want to limit head shots?


  1. Dear God how did he not see that coming?

  2. I can't believe some of the fans have said it wasn't a dirty hit.

  3. It looks like Pronger was just turning around and making a move to go into the Devil's zone, and Parise was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  4. Blues fans continue to kiss prongers azzhole, it just bugs me that people stand up for him when this topic was mentioned on the blues forums..

  5. I think we need 10 cameras focused on Chris Pronger to appease all the Pronger-haters out there. Parise was paying zero attention to the people around him, and ended up skating right into Pronger, who hit him with his body first. The follow through with his arm probably wasn't necessary, but its not like he stuck his arm out and aimed for Parise's head at full speed. If that's deserving of a suspension, people should be banned from the league for some of the other crap that goes unpunished or lightly punished.

  6. Completely agree with Boosh. Was not a dirty hit.....but as he said the follow through with his arm was a bit uncalled for.

  7. Boosh, people get suspended for saying:



    We all know how many games that gets a player, biting a players fingers will get you one as well. But head hunting...

    Well that's still on the fence, no one in the league wants to call that penalty..

  8. I agree that shots to the head should be cracked down on, but I don't think that's what this was. If Pronger wanted to elbow him in the head, he would have kept his arm extended, but he draws his arm in as Parise runs into him, and then shoves. Like I said, unnecessary shove, but by no means a "cheap shot" or "dirty hit"
