Goon's World Extras

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Its not just the WCHA officials.

Sounds like Jack Parker was a little upset with the Hockey East officials last night and had some choice words for the on ice officials; you kind of wonder what the bleeped word was? I saw this story linked a few places on line and it does seem to be a re-occurring theme over the course of every hockey season.

Personally, I think if the refs let games get out of hand and players get injured as a result of them letting things go the league has to hold the on ice officials somewhat responsible. The hooks and holds are not the problem it is the checking from behind calls that go under punished. Checking from behind is a gutless act and is a serious penalty that has to be called more closely and it is not. Personally, I think the refs are afraid to put a team down for five minutes and try not to call them unless they are really bad. This season I have seen a few checking from behinds go that are really blatant. Last night during the MTU and UND game I saw one that warranted a five minute power play, heck even the MTU web cast guys said it should have been one, but it wasn't. The last thing we want to see is a player hurt for life.
Parker Upset as Both Players Require Hospital Trips -- "The game was a pretty good one for a while," Parker said. "Then things were allowed to happen out there that made a mess out of the game."

Parker blasted the on-ice officials, Hockey East commissioner Joe Bertagna and supervisor of officials Richard DeCaprio.

"Higgins got six stitches in the head and a concussion and Matt Gilroy got a separated shoulder and a chest problem. Those two injuries occurred and the referees perceived them as being 2-minute minors," Parker said.

"I've been talking to the league about it for five weeks. This is what we get tonight after talking to the league. The commissioner and the supervisor of officials, I've talked to them for five weeks. This is what we get."

He continued, "Players should be protected and I haven't seen it done all year. A few minutes into the game we have a guy take a hit from behind, right in the numbers, and there doesn't seem to be any consequence (note: there was a five-minute major and a misconduct to Merrimack's Mickey Rego). My two guys got cold-cocked. Vicious runs by the opposition. There is no (expletive) need for that whatsoever, and they got two-minute penalties."


  1. I promised myself I wouldn't comment here again, alas you've stretched the bounds of believability so far that I cannot hold my water.

    I watch you constantly defend fighting in the NCAA (in fact ... you relish it) and criticize the OHL for penalizing players for removing their helmet in response to a death in a different league. That was such a convenient argument since it came on the heels of the recent Zach Jones meltdown. And now (once again) you complain about refereeing and exhibit concern about players being injured.

    If my head wasn't bolted down it would have spun off.

    Thanks I guess ... for providing such an excellent example of incongruous (look it up) thinking.

    To put it into North Dakato vernacular ... you are talking out of both sides of your face.

    The OHL is protecting it's players from harm. If a 17 or 18 year old kid drops the helmet to fight and is blasted ... then it's possible for him to smack the back of his head on the ice? Ever see something like that up close and personal? I have .. it has the potential to be DEADLY.

    You want Zach Jones to be able to fight (and potentially injure someone) but at the same time you argue that referees aren't protecting players.

    You're quite the ironic piece of work.

    I feel dirty now for having lowered myself to comment but your unintentional hypocrisy demands to be pointed out.

  2. DD-Were the injuries to the two BU players the result from fighting, or was it from cheap and dirty play?

  3. Way to miss the point dead rabbit (no surprise as I have no doubt many other UND fans are in the same boat).

    My comments used a couple of Goons recent posts to display the incongruity in his ongoing thinking and posting.

    He wants it one way when it applies to the team he follows while simultaneously deriding the same thing with regard to others.

  4. First off, I am not sure why you lowered yourself to post on my blog? WTF?

    Yep I am guilty! I like a good fight in college hockey and professional hockey and the fans do to. I haven’t seen a lot people at the REA upset about them, actually can we say I have seen zero fans upset. Kind of like the shootout, you don't see a lotof people leaving the games when they are going on.

    If there is I haven’t seen anyone upset with the occasional rare fights that happen in college hockey. Most of the Sioux fans I know love a good fight. It is not why I watch hockey.

    Obviously you have some how taken the Gophers spin on the event that happened LAST WEEKEND. The Gophers started 85 – 90 percent crap that happened after the whistle garbage during the last series. Again to rehash the obvious, Lucia agreed to fight Zach Jones after he had butt ended Sioux player Evan Trupp you might know him since he is from Anchorage, seems he over looked the Seawolves as a place to play. When Lucia when it was time to man up and skated away like a big sissy. The OHL over-reacted to a freak accident, it is my opinion.

    I don’t’ have a problem with two guys settling a score on the ice. Usually it settles them down and then they have some decisions to make do I want to fight and sit in the stands or do I want to play hockey.

    The refs have to protect the players, you can have all the rules you want but if you want to protect the players you have to make the proper calls. If someone face washes the opposition player you stick him in the box. If you let it go you have all the scrums.

  5. I think Double D is missing your posts Goon.

    I think we both have similar perspectives, in that dirty/cheap shots should be penalized heavily.(Checking from behind, spearing, butt-ending, "heavy" charging aka lining someone up for the intent to injure) I've witnessed numerous college hockey games where the game has gone out of control due to the lack of "respect/code/integrity" of the college game. (meaning many players in college with their full cages on know they can be a dirty player and never have to own up to it, they can just hide behind the refs and their full-cage helmet double-strapped.)

    If they allowed more similar rules similar to other leagues where players are held accountable to their actions, the games enforcers would keep and restore order...

    Thats the only thing missing in College hockey, oh and shootouts.

  6. "The Gophers spin"? LOL. Yeah ... that's it. I'm a closet Gopher fan. I don't have my own opinions or know how to express them consistently on the internet. I sure wish someone would teach me about this internet thing.

  7. LOL, I didn't call you a gophers fan, ha, I said you're believing the spin of the Goofs.

  8. I've witnessed numerous college hockey games where the game has gone out of control due to the lack of "respect/code/integrity" of the college game. (meaning many players in college with their full cages on know they can be a dirty player and never have to own up to it, they can just hide behind the refs and their full-cage helmet double-strapped.)
    This is what I don't like and it happens a lot.

  9. BrettB if you make fighting only a 5 and a 10 or a game misconduct and an extra game for each fight, then take off the full face masks you would see the game clean up a lot. The NHL is a lot cleaner than college hockey in my opinion.

    You would find the stick work and the face washes would be less frequent.

  10. DD- How did I miss the point? Was the BU coach complaining about his players getting their butts kicked in a "mono et mono" fight? He was complaining about the opposing team taking cheap shots against his players. I don't want to speak for Goon, but I'm pretty sure he's against anybody taking cheap shots.

    Was Goon ever defending anyone from any team taking cheap shots at opposing players?

    I wish someone would hold you accountable for all of the bs that you spew. Why I ever respond to any of your posts or blogs...You're obviously just bitter about the team that AA fields year in and year out. I guess I would be to. At some point though, I'd just learn to accept it, and take it for what it is.

  11. I wish someone would hold you accountable for all of the bs that you spew. Why I ever respond to any of your posts or blogs...
    Dead-rabitt, Donald D... isn't worth the air you expel telling him off because he is one of the few people in his world that he thinks is right.

    Donald D Tries to over compensate for his short comings and inadequacies but TRYING to cut down other people, I think takes himself way too seriously.

    I guess he thinks he is being intimidating. Personally, I just think he is very a self serving, with an over inflated ego that is very narcissistic and border line psychopath.
