Goon's World Extras

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Good article on the shootout.

USCHO hockey blogger Todd D. Milewski has a good article on the shootouts in college hockey.
There are many around college hockey that don’t have much good to say about shootouts, other than maybe conceding that fans seem to get excited. Their reasons for not wanting them to be part of the college game are varied.

Some used to say they didn’t want them to impact the PairWise Rankings, but the reality is that they don’t. Games that go to shootouts still count as ties toward all the ranking systems except a league’s standings. (You can make an argument, however, that teams getting points for shootout victories makes a difference in the final standings, altering which teams get to play at home.)

I have watched a few of the CCHA games that went to a shootout courtesy of FCS. First off I have not seen a lot of people leaving for the exits because the game is going to be decided by a shootout. The fans for the most part have stayed in their seats and enjoyed the show, much like the fans in the NHL. Like Todd says, the shootouts do not have any impact on the PWR/RPI numbers so I don't see what the big push back is? I have heard the arguments about what is wrong with a tie and they still don't sway my feelings towards the shootout.

On to the officials

This past weekend during the Badger Hockey Showdown, the championship game between Wisconsin and LSSU went to a shootout to determine the tourney champion. During the last round of the shootout with Wisconsin leading it appeared LSSU player had scored a legitimate goal. The WCHA ref Brad Shepherd watching the play signaled no goal. To be sure that the right call had been made refs Brad Shepherd went to check the video replay in the penalty box. On arriving at the penalty box Shepherd was informed that the replay officials had turned off the system after the overtime period. Big shocker here the WCHA screwed up another goal/game. This is why the fans are on ice officials and the off ice officials. The officials have got to do a better job, the officials have to pay attention to the details of the game more closely. I don't think it is bad for the fans to expect more of the on ice and off ice officials.

My first question is; why was the replay system turned off before the conclusion of the game? Couldn't they wait a couple more minutes? Anyone who watches a lot of hockey knows that shootouts can bring about a video review. I have seen it many times in the NHL.

I believe it is just a matter of time before the NCAA mandates that tie games be decided by a shootout. The refs are going have to learn the ins and outs of the game so they can make the right decision on the ice regarding the goals and non goals.

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