Goon's World Extras

Monday, January 12, 2009

A few things from the Sioux Gophers series.

I re-watched both games today while my car was in the shop. Here is a couple things that I noticed.

*The last time that the Gophers had 6 or more goals scored against them was 1-27-2007(North Dakota 7-3) that was 80 games ago. The Sioux accomplished that feat two nightS in a row.

*The Rug said, "that UND has a dismal power play." Yep the Fighting Sioux are so bad that they are ranked 12th nationally.

*Woogism -- Woog said "it would be a 5-4 game during the radio show at the Long Haul Saloon; I don't know how Minnesota gets four. "Instant classic right there."

*Gophers fan like to call Sioux fans "halos" because they think Sioux fans whine about the officials excessively. I watched the two games on FSN twice each. Doug and the Rug spent a lot of time talking about how the refs weren't calling the new rules and complaining about the officials not making calls. I dont' know how many times I heard there's a hook, or there is a high stick. So, do we call them halos as well?

*3 coaches have lead their team to 4 straight frozen fours: Jack Parker, BU; Doug Woog, UMN and Dave Hakstol, UND.

Here is a break down of the Fighting Sioux records the last four and half seasons.
before Christmas 2008-2009 9-10-1 | after Christmas 4-0
before Christmas 2007-2008 9-7-1 | after Christmas 19-4-3
before Christmas 2006-2007 10-10-1 | after Christmas 15-4-4
before Christmas 2005-2006 13-8-1 | after Christmas 16-8-0
before Christmas 2004-2005 13-8-2 | after Christmas 12-8-3
The last five years before Christmas the Fighting Sioux have a .503 winning percentage and after Christmas the Sioux are have a winning percentage of 700 percent.


  1. Hey Goon,

    I still stand by my claim that playing BSU always makes the Sioux "healthy"!


  2. I think you might be right, all I know is BSU played the Sioux tougher than the Goofs.

    Go Beavers beat UMD. :) I predict a split this weekend.

  3. That before Christmas/after Christmas stat is why I was hoping the Sioux/Gopher series would be in December like it was the last few years. lol

  4. FHG26 I have a beer with your name on it in St Paul in March. :)

  5. Hey Goon,

    I watched the game in full on friday night, and really enjoyed watching Wangas get run.

    The series in Madison at the end of the season could be huge.

    Woog and the Rug don't care about the facts, their glasses are so maroon and gold. During their trip to Denver earlier in the season, DU is winning 3-0 and one of them states something like "the scoreboard doesn't reflect the game, the gophers have dominated the Pioneers". Not what I saw...

  6. Thanks Goon, I'll have to try to take you up on that! :)

    And Gandolf, obviously they are going to have maroon and gold glasses on, they are Gopher commentators. That said Wooger will give opposing teams credit when credit is due where as the rug would never due such a thing.

  7. Nice work mis-spelling my name, a great minnesota education at work...

    I used the word "so", I expect them to have maroon and gold glasses on, but they are beyond biased, at least the Rug. True, I have heard Woog be rational on a few occasions.

    Really they make me laugh, because of the stupid shit they constantly say during games.

  8. I love listening to Dumb and Dumber when the Sioux are dominating, because the stuff they come up with to try to help make Minnie's team only makes them look even worse! I'd hate to be a goopher fan, and watch my team just get dismantled, and then have to listen to my own announcers make it seem like it wasn't a 12-4 dubbing on the weekend! lol

    Oh wait, there coach wasn't there, so that's why they lost... weak

  9. My favorite comment from Sat nite's game was after UND scored to go up 4-0. The fans started their usual "sieve" chant. The Rug noted this and Woogster said "that's uncalled for". Let's this point, Kangaroo had given up 10 goals on the weekend and calling him a sieve is uncalled for? Isn't that a definition of a sieve? Not to mention that a team could be losing 5-0 and when they score a goal to make it 5-1 almost all college arenas will break out into a sieve chant.

  10. I think the Rug is a cheer leader for the UofMN and I don't have much time for him. I think Wooger is funny and legit, he is part of the lovable enemy.

    I don't blame Woog for being some what of a homer because he is Mr "M". I heard from a guy that I used to work with that said Wooger was a pretty good hockey player in his day, I am too young to have seen him play. So we can say that Woog understands the rivalry and the Rug is just a moron.

    One thing that I saw on TV was Woog also said basically called out the UMN team on Saturday night if you're going to wear the "M" you need to play with some pride and they didn't bother showing up.

    Masuccko is just too unbearable to listen to some times, the man has pom poms in the announcers booth and I think he takes away from the broadcast. I would love Tom Reid and Woog to be in the box together.

  11. I saw Woog play lots in the old machine shed in Grand Forks and he was an annoying, high energy guy. A hard worker. But the Gopher radio crew are really hard to take. If Glen Sonmor had his way the Gophs would have a two man advantage the whole game. The sum of his verbiage is complaining about non-calls.
