Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wild Fans frustrated with their horrible team.

Wild Hockey Blog extraordinaire Mike Russo has a really good article in the Red Star and Sickle on who the Wild fans have become upset with the way things are going with the team. I am also glad that the media in Minneapolis is finally taking the management to task and starting to ask the questions that need to be asked about the Wild management. The current status of the team is squarely on the shoulders of the Wild coaches and GM.
General Manager Doug Risebrough is either in denial or not paying attention if he really "wrote it off" as playing at home the day after Christmas -- as he said Monday. The irritation of Wild fans I witnessed mirrors what I've heard during this month-long plummet to the bottom of the Western Conference.

You know owner Craig Leipold is hearing it, since he sits in the middle of it all.

The on-ice product has been crummy. Games have been bland, scoring low. The loudest the X got this month was when the Wild killed off a two-minute five-on-three against Carolina.

The lack of talent compared with its opponents is dramatic, and it's not just because of injuries to Marian Gaborik, Owen Nolan and Marc-Andre Bergeron, as Risebrough says.

Thumb through the rosters and system depth charts of most NHL teams, and the Wild doesn't compare. Other than Ottawa 67s defenseman Tyler Cuma, no budding prospects are on the horizon. Because of Cuma's knee injury, the Wild doesn't have a single world junior championships participant.

Wild owner Craig Leipold could make the first step in the direction by firing the head coach Jacques Lemaire and the GM Doug Risebrough immediately. This team is stagnant and the team needs a shaking up. Jacques Lemaire systems don't work anymore this isn't the 1995 New Jersey Devils and no one wants to watch that style of play anyways. Also NHL coaches can not constantly be playing head games with professional hockey players, these guys start talking to other players and eventually no one wants to play for your team.

On the front office front; it is obvious that General Manager Doug Risebrough doesn't have a clue what he is doing. The Wild have nothing they can bring up from Houston and there isn't anything on the current roster worth trading except a banged up Gaborik.

Look at some of the last few first round draft choices, Colton Gilies, Benoit Pouliot, James Sheppard none of these players are worth a hoot and yet they are taking up roster spots for the Wild. You mean to tell me this is the best you can do for first round draft choices. Their pathetic!
Risebrough talks about untouchable James Sheppard, 20, (minus-16) as if he's going to miraculously turn into Patrick Kane or Jonathan Toews. Benoit Pouliot, 22, (no goals since Nov. 15) floats most nights. Colton Gillies, 19, is a few years away, but he's not a top-liner.

While listening to beyond the pond the other day I learned that the Wild turned down getting Olli Jokinen because Doug Risebrough didn't want to give up James Sheppard or Pierre-Marc Bouchard. Are you kidding me? How would Olli Jokinen look in Wild Jersey right now? That has to be one of stupidest moves made during the off season.

**Check out the comments on the article the fans are fed up and calling for the coaches head.

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