Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sean Avery not going back to the Stars.

Super punk and bad boy Sean Avery will not be back with the Dallas Stars, probably not ever. Wow! How is that off season move working for you now Dallas Stars? Remember folks the comment about sloppy seconds got Avery suspended for 6 games that will probably turn into the remainder of the season.

Dallas today said that Avery and will not be back with the Stars ever. Remember this is the hockey league that you can chop an opposition player head long into the boards cause a serious head injury to him, causing the end of his season because of a serious concussion and you only get supsended for two games. Add to the equation, no one in the league office is offended by this cheap and guttless move, however, you better not make a tasteless comments about a woman you once dated. Where the hell do these people get off? What the hell is wrong with this country? Lets not forget Avery's comments were classless but the best punishment would have been for him to meet Dion Phaneuf on the ice. Make him pay for his comments.

My first question I would ask the Dallas Stars is; why the hell did you sign this clown to a 4 year contract? You knew before hand what you were getting. So now after an unknown epiffany the Dallas Stars are looking for ways to get out of the deal. I think they should have to pay him his full 4 year deal.


  1. Brett Hull never was a super-genius goon. And they've already gone over the mess he causes in the locker room, so even though he didn't remove any heads, its still probably a good thing that they boot him. I just want to see how they get around the money side of it, and which group of assclowns is going to be dumb enough to pick him up next.

  2. Some guy punches other guys out for a living and that isn't offensive, but speaking of others in a offensive manner is? Who cares what Avery said? If it was so offensive why run straight to air with the comment?
    What f'n planet is this? Hell ya they should have to pay his full contract. After that they should pay us for having to watch such a meaningless side show.
