Goon's World Extras

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Goon's dad likes Air Force.

My father can't get his google account to work but wanted to post this on Air Force.
You would have swore he has been reading LGM's posts.
Goonster: Of course the Air Force Falcons are good as they have two Baudette hockey players on their roster, Brett Nylander and Brent Olson. Brent's brother Derek also played four years for Air Force. I thought Derek was a better hockey player in high school.

They hale from the same high school that Keith Ballard played for, who just signed a big new contract this fall with the Florida Panthers


  1. I'm confused...why would this make people think your dad was reading my blog?

  2. Because you are the ONLY one that calls me Goonster.

  3. or at least the comments that you write on my blog... :)

  4. Oh funny! I'm so used to the "goonster" thing that I didn't even think twice when he called you that. HA! Funny:)

  5. I figured you'd laugh at that one. :)

  6. HA! I was confused too! I'm so used to LGM calling you Goonster! :)
