Goon's World Extras

Monday, November 17, 2008

Please tell me why Air Force is ranked so high?

I was giving this some thought today. Air Force is getting all of these great rankings for beating the weak sisters of the poor. I would love to see what their strength of schedule is. To bad the PWR rankings aren't out yet.

Here is there schedule that Air Force has played to date (it is not impressive at all): Sacred Heart 2-6-2 (x2), Bemidji State Unveristy 2-6-0, American International 2-8-0 (x2), Bentley 3-4-1 (x2), Holy Cross 2-6-1 (x2), the strongest team on that list is Bemidji State University and they are having a down season as well, the rest on the Schedule are cup cakes.


  1. because Goon, as much as I hate to say it, an undefeated record gets you noticed.

    The true test comes against DU and CC. Then we will see if Air Force is for real or not.

    Fetch seems to hate the Sioux more and more every day

  2. Me thinks that Fetch aka Gobber is Dean the guy that was kicked off Sioux sports last season.

    Claims to be a Sioux fan but cut them down at every chance and has a love feast with Jess Meyers, INCH and the Gophers.

  3. The day Air Force is a contender, is the day we see the Sioux go winless the whole year...

    Nuff said..

    I'd hate to be an Air Force fan right now. As there heads will now just become more and more deflated as the season goes on.. I'll take losing and being repressed the 1st half the season, then going on a tear in the 2nd.

    I do remember the 2003-4 team that did hold the #1 ranking almost the entire year, only to go down to DU in 1-0 contest.. Ish.. I can still taste that loss..

  4. Air Force did go toe-to-toe with Minnesota two years ago in regionals. In fact, they outplayed MN for 53 minutes of that game.

    I'm not an Air Force homer by any means, but I have seen the team play, and their work ethic and skills are going to show the country something in regionals this year. Besides, they have a Lammy on their team! Yay Lammy!

    Oh, and thecollegehockeyblog sucks

  5. oh, and as for the '03-'04 loss? That is a pain that will never go away. A flukie bounce is all it took. A flukie bounce.

  6. I like the fact that Lammy's brother plays for the Air Force and is doing well but his goals are against Division 1 light teams. But yeah I hope he wins the NCAA scoring title.

  7. I think has current PWR rankings, doesn't it? Not sure how "accurate" they are this time of year with the small amount of games played, but I think the math is far.

  8. Well the PWR and the RPI really aren't looked at this early in the season because there hasn't been enough games played.
