Goon's World Extras

Monday, November 17, 2008

Melrose Place done in Tampa.

I spent most of Friday hunting and losing my wallet and Sioux hockey tickets so I missed this story. I actually just found out about it today. Wow, this didn't take long, 16 games before you fire an NHL coach? Maybe Barry should have thought twice before he quite his day job. I am kind of bummed by this news, Melrose is an interesting personality but I guess the straight talk express doesn't work behind the behind the bench in the NHL.

Links to the Story

Was Barry Melrose firing caused by Clashing Personalities?
Only four points out of the final Eastern Conference playoff spot and 66 games to go, the Lightning are clearly still in the playoff hunt. That leads me to believe -- and this is pure speculation -- that there may be more to this situation than poor play on the ice. There may have been gears grinding in the front office and in the dressing room that we don't know about and may never hear about.

Calling out star players isn't career enhancing.

Barry Melrose Shoots Straight on his Firing

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