Goon's World Extras

Friday, November 28, 2008

Ben Scrivens is no sieve.

I hope the Sioux forwards were working on their passing and shooting drills this week in practice, because they are going to have their work cut out for them this weekend. Check this goalie that Cornell has. This doesn't bode well for the Sioux hockey team that is averaging under 2 goals per game. The Sioux forwards are going to have to get traffic in front of the net and get Scriven's feet moving and hope they can catch him out of position. If Scrivens sees the puck/shot he is going to stop it. Scrivens is also a big goalie at 180 lbs and is 6'2".
Their goalie? He’s also ranked No. 1 in the country in both major categories. Junior Ben Scrivens has a 0.81 goals-against average and a .971 save percentage.


  1. ive only seen the big red play once but i think some of the bigger physical guys like malone will be able to get to the front of the net. cornell traditionally has had a lot of guys who just grab you but theyve tried to get away from that lately. oh and happy thanksgiving by the way

  2. Goon you have my permission to do a do-over.
