Goon's World Extras

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Media sat on the Dubay story.

I found this while surfing the net and it appears the the media held off on reporting this story. I am actually shocked at this revelation. I expected them to be all over this with a feeding frenzy. I have never heard of the Minnesota Post until today.
David Brauer
How the Strib got scooped on KFAN host Dubay's arrest
A little after lunchtime Friday, a source sent me a tip: KFAN radio host Jeff Dubay had been arrested for felony narcotics possession.

I groaned, and not just because I was trying to wrap up a week’s work. In the '90s, I was a KFAN host, and Jeff was effectively my sidekick. He was a good guy and almost hysterically into sports, a trait he and other KFAN hosts have successfully played off of ever since.

I checked the Ramsey County Jail bookings and Dubay’s arrest popped up. No one had broken the story, but I did a gut check and decided I didn’t have the stomach to “out” Jeff’s troubles — the scoop just didn’t seem worth it given the world of hurt he must be in.

Friendship is a media reporter’s biggest conflict, but I rationalized my judgment this way: surely the daily press was already hot on the trail and I’d get beat anyway. (After all, I found the booking record on the PPress website!)

A KFAN source confirmed that mine was not the first call he’d received on the matter. Having wimped out, I sat back and watched to see how the news would emerge.

That evening, PiPress broke the story (I think); the bust led WCCO-TV’s Friday 10 p.m. newscast. From the Strib: nothing about Dubay on the website — and nothing in Saturday’s paper.
(read the rest of the story)

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