Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dubay readers comment.

I found this article in the Pioneer Press newspaper site and I thought some of the posts were interesting, and thought provoking. I listened just brifely to KFAN the other day and there has definately become a huge void that was the PA and Dubay show. Actually the show has sucked since Jeff left/has been fired. I only PRAY that KFAN can find a suitable replacement that doesn't bore the hell out of me.

(read the whole blog post here)Pioneer Press Select comments from readers about Jeff Dubay's departure from KFAN and his longtime partnership with Paul Allen, the Vikings play-by-play announcer.

So Dubay clearly has a problem and maybe this is the thing that gets him turned around.

But why are we as a society so quick to throw people to the wayside once they make mistakes? We'll allow actors and athletes and public figures to go to rehab countless times, be charged with everything under the sun, go through every imaginable scandal possible, but we will not allow a guy like Dubay to get a hold of his problem, see if he can recover and allow him back on the air? Why?

Why are common people not allowed the same rope that we give public figures? I speak from personal knowledge. I worked my tail off for 15 years, provided a great life for my family, never got into trouble, not even a traffic ticket. Then, I get into a bit of trouble...similar to Dubay and all the sudden I am an outcast...not to be trusted. Even though I have been through two years of rehab, counseling, programs...You name it.

Jeff Dubay deserves a chance to get his life back on track and be welcomed with compassionate arms back to KFAN.
Gatty 790, Grand Forks

Life, often with our own assistance, can leave us between very unpleasant and harsh alternatives. The only remedy is to keep our faces toward the shovel and grind it out. I am praying that the outcome for Jeff will be the best it can. Paul's forthrightness, tempered with obvious compassion, will aid in the cause. Best wishes to all at The Fan
Guy Green, Brainerd

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