Goon's World Extras

Friday, September 12, 2008

NHL looking to expand to Europe?

I am not so sure this is a very good idea. Wow, I can't imagine how tough the travel would be? I also think they are right are the Euros going to be able to support the NHL like they do in the USA and Canada?

European expansion on the horizon, Daly says
WILLIAM HOUSTON|From Friday's Globe and Mail

The NHL is aiming to have teams based in Europe within the next 10 years, the league's deputy commissioner said yesterday.

“As time goes on, you'll see us making increasing movement into Europe,” Bill Daly said in an interview. “Certainly, it's a possibility that within 10 years time we will be playing games there.”

Asked whether he viewed European expansion within 10 years as a good possibility, he said: “I hope so. But again, I think it's a long way between here and there. And I think all the pieces have to continue to line up in order for that to happen.

“So, certainly, we would hope that would be the case. But I can't say with any degree of certainty at this point.”

A move to Europe by the NHL has been talked about for years. Toronto-based hockey agent Anton Thun and others have been proponents. But at the NHL level, Daly's statements are by far the strongest made by an executive in favour of European expansion.

“It's a priority for us,” he said. “It is focused on as one of our primary growth opportunities.”

Carolina Hurricanes president and general manager Jim Rutherford is not against expansion to Europe as long as the cities in question can support teams financially. But first, though, he would like to see the NHL put a couple of more teams in Canada – in Winnipeg and Southern Ontario.

“[European] cities do a good job for international hockey tournaments, but can those cities afford NHL prices for 42 regular-season games plus playoffs?” Rutherford said. “I don't know the answer, but if they can, then at some point there will be expansion in Europe.
(read the rest of the story here)

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