Goon's World Extras

Monday, September 08, 2008

More on the Hockey Mom Sarah Palin

I found this story on line today and I have to admit that I am excited about this Sarah Palin as the Vice Presidential candidate. I know there are other people that are also fired up about this candidate. I have had to watch the MSM fawn all over Barack Obama all summer long and finally there is something to be excited about on my side of the isle. This is also an interesting article so I thought I would post it so you can look at it.
Sarah Palin: Defining 'hockey mom'
Andrea Gordon Family issues reporter --- Sarah Palin should take a cue from Linda Staal next time she's tempted to compare hockey moms with ferocious dogs.

Staal is Canada's reigning queen of hockey moms. Sons Eric, Marc and Jordan are NHL stars. A fourth, 18-year-old Jared, is on his way.

But Staal is no pit bull, thank you very much. She's always preferred to observe her sons quietly, apart from the pack. And she doesn't wear lipstick.

Palin – mother of five and U.S. vice-president hopeful, has taken "hockey mom" as her brand.

"What's the difference between a pit bull and a hockey mom?" Palin, Alaska's governor, asked in her speech to the Republican convention.


For the real story, we turned to the experts: Canadian mothers of kids in hockey. Droves of them are now headed back to local arenas for early-bird tournaments and another season of bad coffee and cold feet.

Here's what we asked, and what they said:

1. Is Palin right about the pit bull?
2. Your definition of a "hockey mom"
3. Your favoured shade of lipstick
4. A memorable pit bull moment?
5. What hockey mom traits would benefit a politician?

Linda Staal, Thunder Bay

With three sons in the NHL and a fourth soon headed to the big leagues, few hockey moms could match her credentials.

Staal’s brood: Eric, 23, is a centre with the Carolina Hurricanes and on Wednesday is set to help the team unveil its new, alternate home-game jerseys; Marc, 21, plays defence for the New York Rangers, Jordan, 19, is a centre for the Pittsburg Penguins; and her youngest, 18-year-old Jared, plays with the OHL’s Sudbury Wolves.

1. Yes, there are some moms that you could definitely put into that category. I, for one, enjoyed watching them (her sons) play and never got too worked up about the things I couldn’t control.

2. Being supportive, but not giving them too much information because they get enough from the coaches.

3. To tell the truth, I don’t wear any yet. If I did, it would be a light pink.

4. Don’t have one. I would be content to sit with a few moms away from the crowd.

5. To get along and work hard with a lot of different people that you come across over the years

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