Goon's World Extras

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Gaborik to agent get deal done.

THE Wild Blogger Michael Russo had this story on his blog today. Now that is a Russo's Rant that I can feel good about. While Mike is right that it means no deal is imminent it is does give me some hope that one of my favorite teams (Boston is my other one) has a better chance of making the playoffs.

Tom Lynn eventually worked his way over during the scrimmage’s intermission. The two plan to meet later today. Salcer made clear again to the two local beat writers that Gaborik has instructed him to try to get a deal done with the Wild, and that this is a “sincere” negotiation. Again though, that doesn’t mean Gaborik’s signing at the end of the day, as Risebrough likes to say.

This is all part of a complicated process. Nothing is imminent.

Remember, the biggest chore here is guesstimating what the cap can go up to, or down to. In other words, guessing what a player like Gaborik would be worth in say, five years, six years, whatever. Remember, one big reason why the cap keeps going up is the strength of the Canadian dollar, which has aided in the increased revenues for the six Canadian teams. Well, these are uncertain economic times, and the Canadian dollar is down to 94 cents last time I looked.

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