Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Blues version of hot or not

Amy from Lets Go Mavs is going to like this story that was over on Puck Daddy and it is too funny to not pass on.

Who is the hottest-looking Blues player?

The fans were shown photos of a half-naked Paul Kariya; Barret Jackman's bald dome; David Backes, looking a tad less psychotic than he did in that fight with Amsso Salmela; and Dan Hinote, whose is easy on the eyes enough to snag Jenny McCarthy's sister.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this post Goonster!! This gal is awesome (though she totally stole my Hot or Not...maybe she's a big Backes fan and reads my blog!) and I love that she asked a fellow player.

  2. Oh, and maybe you should start doing the Hot or Not since I stopped:)

  3. Nah we are going to let Donna, You and Donald do that... :)

    Mabye Dirty can take up the slack:)
