Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Along the Boards with Tenna-B (Gaborik talk)

Check out this P.A. and Dubay podcast where they talk about Gaborik and they bring up some good issues that I and other Wild fans have been bringing up this off season, some valid concerns.

Lets face facts; there is no way to sugar coat this Doug Risebrough has had a brutal off season. Lets face fact there are not a lot of top free agents that want to play for the Wild because of their style of play. It is boring to watch. I strongly believe that if the Wild loses Marian Gaborik the fans will revolt. If the Wild lose Gabby they will take a long time to return to the level they are at right now, and they aren't going to be good this season.

The fact that Gabby hasn't signed a contract probably is a good sign that Marian wants to play for another team. Also, Jacques Lemaire act is getting old and tiresome< I agree that the game has passed Jacques Lemaire by.

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