Goon's World Extras

Saturday, August 30, 2008

John McCain picks hockey mom as VP candidate.

Normally I like to keep politics off this blog but this is a nice story. Dggoddard from Lets Go Du Hockey and Puck Daddy had posted this story over on their blogs about the Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin Hockey Mom turned GOP Vice Presidential candidate.

I have to admit as an unapologetic republican I am very excited about this Vice President selection. I also think that she is a very impressive speaker and I think she is going to do well in the VP debates, Joe Biden beware. I heard on the news today that there was a poll where she has a 80% approval rating, that folks is pretty impressive in my opinion.

America's most famous Hockey Mom

Senator John McCain astonished the political world on Friday by naming Sarah Palin, a little-known governor of Alaska and self-described “Hockey Mom” as his running mate on the Republican presidential ticket.

If the Clinton's rode the backs of Soccer Moms to the White House, what other differences are there between Hockey Moms and Soccer Moms?

LetsGoDU's Soccer Mom vs. Hockey Mom Comparison

Soccer Mom: Democrat
Hockey Mom: Republican

Soccer Mom: Drives mini-van
Hockey Mom: SUV with 250,000 miles on it driving to tournaments

Soccer Mom: Spends $200 per year on youth sports
Hockey Mom: Spends $10,000 per year on youth sports

Soccer Mom: Barely watches game while gabbing with the gals about tomorrow's Mahjong get-together
Hockey Mom: Yells at ref and intimidates opposing players

Soccer Mom: Fools around with tennis pro at country club
Hockey Mom: Sleeps with kid's hockey coach to get son on #1 Power Play unit

Soccer Mom: Has white collar career at Honeywell
Hockey Mom: Has second job to help pay for Power Skating Camp in Summer

Soccer Mom: Hosts bake sale to raise money for team
Hockey Mom: Billets three extra kids to help pay second mortgage

Soccer Mom: Reads Vanity Fair in spare time
Hockey Mom: Has Blog, MySpace Page & Hockey's Future Message Board Thread about her hockey playing kid to attract scouts attention

Here is what Puck Daddy had to say on this story. Again, I am giddy with this selection.
What we do know about Palin: She's a hockey mom. To the point where author Kaylene Johnson pimped that fact in her book "Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska's Political Establishment Upside Down." Palin's son Track (Middle name: Enfield) played for the Alaska Avalanche Junior A team and then a AAA midget team in Michigan before leaving to become an infantryman in the U.S. Army last September.

Let's face it: Soccer moms are sooooooooo 1996. Hockey moms are where it's at in 2008. They're more dedicated, they're more antagonistic (video not available, but you've seen it) and, in some cases, they're just plain hotter.

(Side note: Is the movie too obscure for news organizations to use "Mystery, Alaska" in headlines today about an obscure VP pick?)

Actually, McCain had two good choices to boost his hockey cred: Hockey mom Palin and Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who not only plays the game but famously joked that his wife was more likely to watch a hockey game than have sex with him. Which might be one reason why he won't be at McCain's side today ...

Of course, if hockey cred meant anything when it comes to the White House, things might have turned out a bit differently for John Kerry.


  1. I love that she's a hockey mom, but it doesn't take away from the fact that this is a gimmick pick.

  2. How is she a gimmick, she more executive experience that Barack.

  3. maybe he should have chosen GF Mayor Mike Brown or EGF mayor Lynn Stauss as both of them have as much foreign policy experience as she does. come to think of it so do you and I. I'll start a campaign as Goon for VP. she was chosen for one reason and one reason only-to try and get the disgruntle HRC voting block. which probably isn't going to happen.

  4. Actually I listen to a lot of the conservative talk shows and she has been on the radar and a candidate that a lot of GOPers that are excited about. Like I said she has more executive experience than BHO...

    Personally I like her, she is a fresh face, she is pro NRA/Gun, conservative and wants to drill for oil her in the USA so we don't have to rely on getting our oil from Dictators.

  5. she is a fresh face yes, but a fresh face who doesn't know what the job she she took to run for does.

  6. Whaddya mean, she has no foreign policy experience? Steve Doocy of "Fox and Friends" 'splained that Palin has foreign policy experience because she's "up there by Russia."

    siouxeet--you're right about HRC's 18 million supporters not switching to the Palin bandwagon. Those women are not going to vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.

  7. What a brilliant choice! Gimmick ? I don't think so. This lady has substance.

  8. I heard a lot of pontifications about Palin being weak or not having any experience. I have asked Democrats the question if Palin is short on experience what is BHO? The guy has been in the senate what 2 1/2 years and has spent most of his time running for president.

  9. She has twice the experience as Barack Bin Laden. She is a great lady from all I have seen. I think she would actually be a better President or Vice then Bin Laden the terrorist
