Goon's World Extras

Monday, July 07, 2008

Wild sign Owen Nolan

When I read that the Wild had signed had signed 36 year old Owen Nolan to a 2 year contract worth 5.5 Million. I have to admit that I was torn because in his hay day Nolan was one heck of a hockey player; now Nolan is much older that has a 1000+ NHL games under his belt and looks more like a guy that should be looking for his AARP card than a player looking forward to playing another 2 seasons with the Minnesota Wild. The up side of Owen Nolan is no matter how old he is he will add grit to the Wild soft Euro dominated line up, especialy after my favorite NHL GM let all of his tougher roll players leave during this off season...

I don't know if this is a smart deal or not and only time will tell. Check out some of the comments from the fans they like me are less than impress with the Wild GM Doug Risebrough's more this off season. I think a couple of these fans really nail less than impressed with the situation and that is how I feel about his whole situation.
Risebrough's humor...
the only thing worse than DR and his off season moves is the gullible sporting public that might get fooled into thinking that things look bright for 08-09. We are on our way down next season. Do any of us honestly think that the team of 18,000will remain much longer? The economy is in a shambles, corporate sales will be down, and the common guy can't afford the tix or the gas down to the Ex'. Team of 10,000 is more like it; especially when we don't make the playoffs.

This guy also hits it on the head. Who's is going to score goals this season?
Still not impressed...
Who is going to win faceoffs??? Who is going to score??? Anything other than a Western Conference Finals appearence is a bad season in my opinion. This roster will be lucky to make it past the 1st round of the playoffs...(AGAIN!!!) DR is a solid GM to get a bottom progam to respectability. But he is not the guy to get us to the highest level. Can someone in Wild management please start thinking creatively???

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