Goon's World Extras

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Where in the World is Jeff Dubay?

Listening to the PA and Dubay show on the KFAN podcast this past week I have been wondering the same thing myself: where heck is Jeff Dubay? Before I read C.J. article in the Star and Tribune I figured that Jeff Dubay must have been on much needed summer vacation or something, it makes perfect sense, August is a perfect time to go on a summer vacation to the lake to unwind and decompress.

Personally, from an entertainment standpoint I can only hope that Jeff Dubay aka "Puffy" gets back on the air very soon, because the P.A. and Dubay broadcasts aren't the same without him. As most Fighting Sioux hockey fans know Jeff Dubay is a self confessed Fighting Sioux hockey hater/antagonist and enjoys ripping the Fighting Sioux and calling them a bunch of goons and hacks. Joe Finley is also one of his favorite Sioux hockey players. :)

KFAN's Dubay is MIA
"It's personal," is the official word from KFAN on the absence of Jeff Dubay.

The "P.A. & Dubay," morning show co-host has been gone two, maybe two and a half weeks, Gregg Swedberg, programming veep of Clear Channel Minneapolis, told me Wednesday, when conveying the official word on Dubay's whereabouts. "Jeff will be back Aug. 8."

A listener with "Galet" in his e-mail address was first to raise questions with me about Dubay in a July 24 missive: "Last week they explained he had an incurable case of the hiccups. This week he has been gone all week with them saying he's 'out,' not 'on vacation' or other explanation. Seems a bit fishy."

When I talked to Dubay's P.A., as in Paul Allen, Wednesday he told me, "Doobers will be back Aug. 8 for the Vikings' Fan Line against the Seahawks, after that preseason game. Then he'll be back the following Monday at training camp with me. Let's wait for Doobs to come back and I'll mention that you called."

P.A. obviously knows precisely why his friend has been gone but is keeping the particulars confidential. Since talking about the personal problems of professional athletes is part of what they do, Dubay needs to prepare a line of explanation.

I know that Dubay is not too far removed from a divorce.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jeff Dubay was arrested on felony drug charges in Minnerapolis

  3. Jeff DuBay has been arrested on felony drug charges in Minneapolis.

  4. Maybe Dubay has a drug addiction.
