Goon's World Extras

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Pens players not happy with coach.

I have seen this written a few places. Look for the Penguins to get rid of their head coach coach. I doubt the Penguins want to lose Malkin, Staal and Orpik, of the three Orpik is probably gone because he is a free agent on July 1st.
There is a brewing problem between Penguins coach Michel Therrien and some of his players -- a number of them despise playing for him. No one will choose the Stanley Cup final as a forum to call out their coach but there are far too many whispers out there that too many players can't stand working for -- or with-- Therrien. If that isn't an issue to be dealt with immediately, it is certainly something that will grow with time. If that isn't an issue to be dealt with immediately, it is certainly something that will grow with time.

Brooks Orpik, the free agent defenceman who will be coveted by many teams after July 1, has told people he will not re-sign in Pittsburgh if Therrien is the coach. Jordan Staal, the terrific young player who lives in the shadow of Crosby and Evgeni Malkin -- but is poised to bust out as one of the most complete centres in hockey -- is another Therrien complainer.


  1. This is highly un-true that Therrien is going to have an impact on the structure of the team.

    I will not use myself as a source to being close to the team, as I have only been in close ties for a few months, but this statement alone release by Orpik “My whole career I’ve never been best friends with the coach,” Orpik said. “I’m here to play. I’ve always had a good working relationship with my coaches. It’s nothing personal.” -which I believe is quoted via the PensTV online interview in the locker room on the last day before the players left to go home.

    Also, this website,

    and that article specifically, who I know the writer Mike Wilson has been in close ties with the Penguins for a few years now, within the organization, than some Goon (Steve Simmons from the Toronto Sun) has with the Penguins.

    Personally, I believe that the statement Simmions made about Orpik leaving, as well as isolation Staal and even Malkin, with no quotes from any of these players, are all false. Motivated by opinion based on the previous games in the season where Orpik was moved from the blue line to wing, in Therrien's attempt to shake up the defensemen's attitude on the team, which worked.

    For Simmons to make those statements, with no follow up as to where they were generated is outright embarrassing. For any reporter to make a statement regarding future events, bringing to the table only an opinion that is not backed by factual information, and only by assumed feelings, sounds like a load of crap to me.

  2. Interesting. There is another link to the article in the comments as well.

    I can't read the articles on your blog anymore, did you change your blog?

  3. Yes I did actually, i moved it to:

    I am working on getting "" up and running, but I will have both blogs (wordpress and blogger) redirect to the new URL once I put it up.

    Just to make this more clear, my comments prior were not an attack on you, more frustration pointed at Simmions, the writer from the newspaper article.

  4. No problem, wasn't takin that way either. Just putting it out there for people to give their perspective. I saw it and thought it might be kind of a drive by shooting by the person that broke the story...

  5. This only further supports my statements against the Toronto Sun Columnist...

    The original article can be found here (in french)

    The translation has been found here:

    This is the best part: (From Max Talbon, Penguins Centre)
    "Obviously, I had heard criticism voiced towards our coach Michel Therrien.

    I am not embarrassed to say that several people seem jealous in this case. Without the good work of Michel Therrien behind the bench of our team, we would not have reached the Stanley Cup finals. During the season, he made several decisions beneficial to our team and often they were not obvious decisions to be taken. It's so easy to criticize, but Michel is an excellent coach and he proved it with the many young people we have.

    A journalist for the Toronto Sun has even claimed that Brooks Orpik would not want to come back with the Penguins next season if Michel Therrien retains his post. The same article suggests that Jordan Staal has a poor relationship with our coach.

    In fact, I find these assertions rather strange. We just had a team dinner Thursday evening. Both players were present and I did not feel anything telling. I really do not know where the author unearthed that story and it would astonish me if he has talked to any players of our team to write that article. You really have to take and leave with journalists…"

    I just thought it was interesting to what Max had to say.

  6. He should not be happy at all. His team got their butts handed to them by us. They also took cheapshot penalties that lead to the score being so high. He should tell his team not to be so stupid. See Gary, other teams play dirty as well. Even your golden boy Crosby's team.


    Sharpie Pens
