Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Finnland cheats to beat USA in World Championship

It would appear that the WCHA loaned the IIHF their officials for the World Championship. There is just no excuse for this type of incompetence. A three year old could see that this should not have been a goal. So in essence the Finns and the American played to a 2-2 tie on May 11th 2008.

Phil Kessel has this to say on the goal: We saw it. It didn’t even go in the net,” American forward Phil Kessel said. “It hit the outside of the net and went through the net. I have no idea what they were looking at but I guess that is how it goes.”

NOTE: The IIHF formally acknowledged after the game that Koistinen's shot had, indeed, entered the side of the net and should not have counted, and the video-goal judge will not be working for the rest of the tournament.

1 comment:

  1. This is brutal, to me there almost needs to be a precedent set like the NBA earlier this season by either removing that goal or making the players refinish the game from that point. After all there is only 2:12 left in the game (they count up in this tourney I believe.)

    It's unfair to the sport, the players, and the fans. How can you trust a game when mistakes like this are allowed to just continue
