Goon's World Extras

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Cool NHL on versus commercial.

I had someone at work ask me the other day if hockey was over yet? His next question was; why is the hockey season so long. I told him that there is still a series and half left in the season. This NHL on Versus commercial kind of sums up what the off season is like, boring, the back of a lawn chair.

Personally I wish hockey season was 10 month long, the off season is way too long in my opinion. A guy can only hit bad golf shots so long before you become board with the whole thing.


  1. Hee, Goon. If you were better at golf you might not mind as much.

    Not that I am good. Well, I could be, I've never played. But I suck at minigolf, so I can't imagine I'd be any good at regular golf.

  2. I like golf early in the season and at the end. If I play too much I develop bad habits. With a 9th month old baby girl in the house I probably won't play as much this season. My shift work is also no condusive with playing much golf.

  3. It is long but there is nothing better than hockey in the first week of June

  4. I will be watching as well and I hope the Pens win it. Detroit is really boring to watch. Mike are you going to golf the tourney that Tim Oshie is promoting?

  5. Have you used the golf balls I sent you yet? And when is Abby going to wear the socks I sent her??

  6. I lost the Golf balls a long time ago. Hence, the statement I am not very good.

    Abby is very small and it will be sometime before she will be able to wear them. Let me put it like this Abby is 18 pounds at 9 1/2 months old. She is classified as being a peanut. Abby was 5 13 oz when she was born.

  7. I have some Maverick balls that I lost as well.
