Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hey Greg Shepherd the Jig is up.

I thought this was an interesting article that I thought that needed to be passed on. The Hockey East coaches came up with some good ideas during their spring coaches meeting down in Florida. The Hockey East coaches voted 7-0-3 to ref their games more like the NHL.
The Maine Coach Tim Whitehead said: The league’s coaches voted 7-0-3 in favor of adopting the more stringent NHL standards on hooks, holding, high sticks and interference.

Whitehead explained they want to encourage scoring since it has been "down consistently the last 10 years."

Agreed. You want to showcase your skilled players.

Enough is enough; I think that this is the way the NCAA should go with the officiating of their games. The NCAA should not give the different leagues lee-way to call the games any other way. Set the standard and enforce it.

I agree with the Maine coach it is time for the NCAA to show case its talent, the college game has taken a step back in the last 3-4 years. I can't imagine that a lot of fans want to see defensive systems and 1-0 game, fans want to see goals being scored. I am sick and tired of watching the college game degrade to the product we saw this last season, clutching and grabing up and down the ice. Now is the time for all of the NCAA leagues to ref their games like the NHL. Lets get some race horse hockey going.

I suppose you're going to have some push back. However, I would hope that there wouldn't be a senario where you have one league reffing game one way and then some other league(s) reffing their games another way. It time for Greg Shepherd and the WCHA front office to take note. Division one hockey is eventually going to call start their games more like the NHL. It is time to get on board and get with the 21st century.


  1. But Goon, Ryan Lasch and Garrett Roe may not know HOW to skate down the ice without dragging the opposition with them!! :) We'll see. I don't hold out a lot of hope!! The reffing in the WCHA needs a complete overhaul, complete with a mass-firing and rehiring of people who can actually referee a game without screwing up.

  2. I read on where a Sioux fan told McClown that the league was out of touch and they needed to basically do a better job and that McClown wasn't happy with this person. I guess they don't believe that they are a bad or need improvement. I will be interesting to see if Randy Schmidt end up getting fired or will be back reffing next season. If Randy still has a job the league will have no credibility.

  3. First of all, 7-0-3. What's the three? Three coaches didn't vote? Three coaches were on the fence?

    Secondly, weren't the WCHA coaches having their post season meetings also? What's come out of that? I would think that this topic would be #1 on their list. I wouldn't think that any of the schools want to start loosing recruits to HE, because they'll be able to showcase their talents there.

    Last of all, I thought the NCAA as a whole had decided last year, or maybe a couple of years ago to start calling the games more similar to the NHL?

    One more thing, who is McCleoud's boss? Who has the authority to cut him loose? Do the 10 ADs hold this authority? Who gets to call for a "vote of no confidence."

  4. 0-3 must be an abstension. Or abstaining from the vote. I think it is great that no one voted against it.

    I am not sure who McCloud has to answer to? I would think it was the coaches but also the NCAA rules comitee as well. I would say that you're are probably right, if the WCHA doesn't clean it up they could possibly start losing the blue chippers to the other leagues.
