Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Check out this post.

I was reading on line the other day when I discovered this post from former student and half hit Jon Hoff on the Dakota Student. If you have lived in Grand Forks since early 2000's you will remember this person is the same Jon Hoff we are speaking about.

I know it is a little late and if I had seen it earlier I would have addressed it sooner. Seems more of the same tireless crap is still showing up on yet again. Of course this person added no link or citation to their claims. I highly doubt the statue in front of the REA game from Nazi Germany. The FBI also determined that Ralph Englestad did not harboured any pro-fascist political beliefs, I think I am going to believe the FBI over some half wit.

John Hoff
posted 1/04/08 @ 12:21 AM CST
I actually love the University of North Dakota. But the logo needs to go.

Here's another interesting point of research: who is the artist of that "Native American on horseback" statue in front of Ralph Engelstad Arena? You know, the one that was "disarmed" when they modified the statue to be carrying a staff instead of a spear on the day the arena opened and there was a big protest march?

Supposedly, Ralph Engelstad bought that statue at an auction. But who created the statue in the first place? I mean, you know, back when it had a spear instead of a "dream catcher" on the end of a staff?

For all we know, that statue could have come from an "art exhibit on the races of mankind" in the Third Reich. After all, Ralph Engelstad was NOTORIOUS for collecting Nazi bric-a-brac, and was even fined by the Nevada Gaming Commission for his outrageous Hitler theme party. The guy had a picture of Hitler in his office, for crying out loud. All a matter of record.

But in regard to that mysterious statue in front of the arena...

We just don't know where the statue came from because Engelstad Arena won't say. But it's very suspicious that a statue sits in front of the arena and nobody knows who made it. And nobody from Engelstad Arena is saying who created that statue.

The family of Sitting Bull is on the record: they don't like the statue. It doesn't honor their relative, Sitting Bull. But the big question: who made it? Where did it originate?

It's no mystery where the granite in Engelstad Arena originated, however. India. Where child labor in the stone quarries is rampant. But the statue! Ah, a mystery. Who will solve it and get the glory?

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