Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Andy Strickland on Oshie

As the silly season continues this is something Sioux fans will have deal with; the loss of their favorite player(s), it has become a yearly right of passage, this year very painful as there could be many defections. I am sure other college hockey fans feel the same way as they hold their breath and hope the NHL doesn't come and take their favorite players. In my opinion T.J. Oshie has been nothing but class since he has been at UND and it will be a sad day for this hockey blogger when Oshie does sign on the dotted line.
Andy Strickland blog article on Oshie

Oshie Will Take His Time Before Making Announcement
Blues super prospect T.J. Oshie has yet to make an official announcement regarding any decision to leave the University of North Dakota and signing an NHL contract.

Word is Oshie could wait until his final exams are completed before he goes public with his decision. UND holds their finals during the first week of May.

Due to NCAA regulations, the Blues are prohibited from directly contacting Oshie.

Oshie will likely start game planning his future with his family advisors sometime next week.

It appears to be pretty much a slam dunk that Oshie will sign with the club who selected him in the first round back in 2005.

Oshie will likely have an opportunity to step right in and be a top six guy for Andy Murray next season. He’s primarily been a centerman his entire life but could be asked to play wing in the NHL.

Oshie arrived at UND a little under the radar with Jonathan Toews, Brian Lee, and Taylor Chorney getting most of the attention.

That will be far from the case when he joins the Blues. Fans know who this kid is and have been patiently waiting for his arrival.

Here is some other stuff that is related to the Fighting Sioux players that might also be leaving.

The Fighting Sioux could also lose Capitals first round pick Joe Finley, Oilers second rounder Taylor Chorney, and last season’s Hobey Baker Award winner Ryan Duncan.

Duncan, whose saw his production take a dip from 31 goals a year ago to 18 this season with the absence of Blackhawks forward Jonathan Toews, was never drafted. He did participate in the Blues development camp last summer and he and his father have a relationship with St. Louis Head Coach Andy Murray.

With that being said I’m not certain the Blues are sold on signing Duncan.

The Blues will likely ask Oshie to spend several weeks in St. Louis after he signs to familiarize himself with the Blues off-ice program.


  1. "In my opinion T.J. Oshie has been nothing but class since he has been at UND"

    OMFG?!? Are you serious Goon?!? What have you been smoking?!?

    Oshie has been anything BUT classy while at UND. Multiple arrests..smack talking the cops..need I go on?!?

    Probably the best thing for the kid will to get OUT of UND and the college scene. He has a lot of talent and his off ice behaviors could put an end to his career with his poor decisions one of these times! Hopefully when he moves on he'll mature a little and calm it down in his personal life. It would be a shame for him to waste his talent because of some drunk decision.

    Maybe Backes will help him be on the straight and narrow once he gets to St. Louis:)

  2. In My Humble Opinion I believe Oshie has conducted himself with class especially on the ice. I have heard nothing about him talking smack to the cops and I am pretty sure that I can get this confirmed since I know quite a few of them. This would have been big news around here in Grand Forks.

    Also, we get it you hate UND and the Fighting Sioux so I know your judgment is clouded by your purple glasses/goggles. Personally, I think it is honorable Oshie could have taken the big bucks but came back to UND to take another kick at the can, to me that says a lot more about his character than some mox-nix petty charge.

    Personally I could give a shit about all the off ice crap, it is all minor petty crap. It isn't like he stole a credit card, raped a co-ed or down loaded child porn from the internet and gave it to children.

    A minor being in a bar is like a status offense like under age smoking, big hairy deal. Seriously, when I was a BSU football player I got warned and almost cited for a loud party while playing Techmo bowl, wow I almost really screwed up, it probably would have kept me out of a government job, nahhh. Yawn...

    Come on Amy you can do better than that.

  3. GOON! Earlier this season, you did a little Q&A with a certain blogger (ME) and you had THIS to say...

    There are a lot of passengers on the bus right now and some of the boys need to step it up and get it going, losing sucks and I am sick and tired of watching them play so listless on Saturday nights. Some guys wearing letters on their shirts need to start taking some ownership and encouraging the other players around them to play with some pride. Perfect example; last Sunday morning T.J. Oshie got arrested for disorderly conduct. That isn’t focus in my opinion, its _______ing off and frustrating as a fan to watch this stuff.

    I think what Amy was trying to get across (UND fan or not) is that YOU are looking back with green colored glasses and remembering what you want to remember about Oshie. You sure seemed irritated about this when it happened and you team was losing.

    Don't get so pissy Goon! And maybe you need to stop listening to and associating with some of those crappy UND fans who email Amy and call her a bitch, but when she calls them on it, don't have the balls to reply. Don't be THAT guy!!

  4. Oh, and you are absolutely correct. I think we all had incidents in our college lives that could be misconstrued and could have affected us later. However, I was not a student athlete and the fact remains, they are held to a somewhat higher standard and are representatives of their colleges when they are out and about. Getting arrested twice in two years is a little extreme, in my opinion. I don't hold it against him, as a person. He's an immature little kid - but it does cast a shadow on UND and their athletics program. IN MY HUMBLE OPINION...

  5. Heather; the Goon is not pissy, I am actually at peace with myself and my life. I am also in a very good mood, just finished my work out and went to work. Also notice after Oshie lost the A the Sioux took off, T.J. took the team on his back. There are other guys that are wearing "A"'s and letters that picked up their play as well.

    Disagreeing someone civily is not equated to people that took issue with Amy, I saw the leter I don't ever remember saying anything like that nor would I say anything like that to people I consider my friend, aint my style...

  6. MEOW Goon. Cat fight much?!? :)

    Now, did I rag on the UND program in my comment or just on Oshie? I believe it was just Oshie and it wasn't a full rip. I ripped on his behavior..which like it or not is ILLEGAL. Not only did he do it once but then he got in trouble again while already on probation. Come on Goon! How does that say class?

    Is what he did common for alot of college kids? Yes. Does that make it right? No. Especially since he is held to a higher standard since he's an athlete. Like it or not, athletes are at a higher standard and need to act like it. You KNOW how I feel about that point...I don't care if it's my team's guy or someone else's team.

    As far as the smarting off, it's my understanding that Oshie got all cocky with the GFPD as in "Do you KNOW who I am?!?" That's even more stupid.

    Again, I'll stand by my point that leaving UND is probably the best thing the kid can do for himself.

  7. Cat fight? ;) I don't like cats :) I am dog guy... :)

    Oshie is leaving there is probably zero chance of him coming back. I didn't hear about the comments to the GFPD.

    I do like the fact that he is finishing up his classes.

    Time for a Side wager. So if UND sweeps the Mavs next season you going to wear a Sioux jersey? I am dying for a picture of that.

  8. HA! It'll never happen Goon! Nice try though. She won't even weigh the odds like I did when I "considered" putting FHG's Gopher helmet on my head. Is it worth the oozing boils that will pop out spontaneously all over my body just to see it it's as heavy as RWD says it is? My decision NOPE, IT'S NOT. LGM's answer to your wager, HELL NO! Just guessing though! :)

  9. Hey, wintwins57, some blog readers actually have lives and don't always scurry to our Inbox every waking moment of every day. I actually did reply to Amy, in a civil and private manner -- I am certain she'll share it with you. I ate some humble pie, agreed in principle on some points, agreed to disagree on others and, I hope, made her smile -- if not laugh -- a time or two. BTW, I was one of her most vigorous defenders against Davis and his inexcusable antics!

  10. Clearly Sioux_me, I'm one of those blog readers you refer to since I just saw that you replied. As a matter of fact, she did share it with me. Props to you for apologizing and for defending her in the face of that little psycho's appalling behavior. I stand corrected. Believe me, I understand sending an email/comment and then regretting it. It takes a big person to apologize and try to make amends. I apologize for referring to you as THAT GUY! No one wants to be THAT GUY! :) I guess you ARE okay - for a Sioux fan (completely tongue in cheek, since sarcasm doesn't always come through on the internet - I don't HATE the Sioux, they're about my eighth favorite WCHA team - or something like that!)
