Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The NHL latest thugs of the week.

Here are the latest acts of thuggery in the NHL. Repeat offender Chris Pronger will miss 8 games (the rest of the Ducks regular season games) for his skate stomp on Ryan Kesler's leg. Seems this act earned another repeat offender 30 games, I wonder why the disparity?

Pens tough guy Georges Laraque earns three days on the beach for his vicious elbow on Buffalo Sabres player Nathan Paetsch.

1 comment:

  1. Pronger deserved more than 8 games, but that was not the same as going over to a guy at the bench and stomping on his foot just after getting back from baseball-batting a guy in the face. Yes, it is kind of sketchy that his suspension lands him 1 game before the playoffs begin, but all the Pronger-haters need to stop losing so much sleep over it.
