Goon's World Extras

Sunday, March 23, 2008

NCAA tourney thoughts.

Here is are couple of things that I thought were important and need to be analyzed. The playoff bracket have been announced and the Sioux are not going to Colorado Springs to play the Tigers. I think most Sioux fans are cool with that.

Joel Maturi, the chair of the men's ice hockey committee and the athletic director at Minnesota, confirmed that the thought process behind Michigan's move to Albany was to "protect" the top seeds.

Could someone please tell me what the Red Hawks have done to secure a 2nd over all bid? The RedHawks have played a very weak schedule (the 24th ranked schedule over all). I mean seriously folks, and the committee is going to protect a team that has shamelessly feasted on cup cakes all season long raking up wins against a less than impressive list of teams. In fact if you look at the RedHawks schedule you will see they have beat very few teams that are considered good. Let’s break this down; the RedHawks have beaten SCSU (once in a holiday tourney), Notre Dame two times (they played three games and are 2-1 once in the CCHA tourney minus their top forward) and MSU twice. Against the top team in the CCHA the Michigan Wolverines the RedHawks are an impressive 0-2-1. Lets break this down further; Miami is 9-3-1 against teams under consideration for the NCAA tourney. That means they have played just 12 teams that are a team under consideration for being in the NCAA tourney. If you want to take this further; in comparison UND is 21-10-4 against teams that are a TUC, that means out of their 40 games UND has played 35 games against teams that were a TUC. I have no problem with awarding Michigan with the opportunity to beat up on a cup cake in its first game, they have earned that right...

The other joke is the Wisconsin Badgers making the tourney with a losing record and failing to make the conference tourney but still was able to leap frog Minnesota State University Mankato who had a winning record. I can see how Maverick fans might be a little ticked at this decision. Want to bet this rule is changed in the near future?

Let the complaining begin

Here is the Fighting Sioux's Bracket is in Madison, Wisconsin; it looks pretty fair enough to me. You either win or you go home. According to the Lets Go DU hockey blog some seem to think that DU was screwed by the NCAA committee. I am not sure how they are the 2 seed. Did they want to play in Colorado Springs? Also it appears that College Hockey News thinks DU got the short end of the stick as well. Personally I think it is poetic justice; DU got a win they may not deserved as the result of a bad call by an on ice official. Mike Eaves could use this as a way to fire up his troops in the game against the Pioneers. Personally I think DU gets a nice draw in playing the Wisconsin Badgers and they should have no trouble dispatching of the Wisconsin Badgers.
Madison (Midwest)
No. 1 North Dakota vs. No. 4 Princeton
No. 2 Denver vs. No. 3 Wisconsin


  1. I think the decision may have been in favor of the Mavericks had the regional not been in Madison...As much as I hate decisions made in such a manner, money does have a big influence in things, and screwing the Landcows will generate a shit-ton of money in this case.

  2. Wisconsin ended up #12 in the PairWise. MSU-Mankato was tied for 13th with Notre Dame.

    Notre Dame won the comparison with the Mavericks by winning RPI (.5298 to .5272) and record against common opponents (6-2-0 vs. 7-5-1). Mankato had a better record against Teams Under Consideration (11-14-3 to 5-10-1), but lost the comparison 2-1.

    This wasn't about Mankato vs. Wisconsin, it was about Mankato vs. Notre Dame. Agree or disagree about how teams are compared, but the insinuation that we are back to the days of "smoke-filled rooms" is off-base.

  3. I still want someone to tell me how DU got screwed?

  4. I think the PWR is a good system to HELP determine that top teams in the country. BUT, since it is a math only format, it takes out the human factor. And after all, it is humans, or college kids, which ever you prefer, that are playing the games.

    If the committee's number one goal is to protect the #1 seeds, maybe we should go back to a 12-team tournament. Then they get a BYE the first game, and are automatically into the Elite-8.

    If it was 12-teams this year, would the complaining be less... neither UW or MSU-M would get any..
