Goon's World Extras

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Memo to the WCHA refs; you suck.

Returning to a comment that Jess Meyers made this week on ESPN/INCH hockey chat:

Jess Myers: Those topics will certainly be discussed in late April when the coaches and league officials meet in Florida for their annual postseason gathering. A month ago, WCHA commissioner Bruce McLeod told me there's growing concern about the officials in terms of the way they're being treated by fans, players, and coaches in the league. Now, yelling at the refs and bad calls have been a part of the game for as long as it has been played on ice, so apparently league officials see something new and disturbing that's worth looking into. As for the way the game is being called, they're still searching for that happy medium between letting everything go and having someone in the penalty box at all times. Still, compare the college game to the ugliness on ice that the NHL (especially in the Western Conference) is so often and I like what I'm seeing in the WCHA.

This video is a perfect example of why the WCHA officials no longer have any credibility or respect from fans, players and coaches. Instead of complaining about the fans being tough on the officials earn that respect and trust back start doing a better job.


  1. Goon-
    I was actually surprised by the reffing in the UND/MTU games last night. I think Thul must have read some of the articles this week. He made a few obstruction, interference, hooking, etc. calls. That seems to catch both teams by surprise. We'll see if he keeps it up tonight.

  2. The only reason UND fans should be surprised by the game Thul reffed is that this is only his second time there in 4 years of working the league. He is the most consistent and most qualified (many years ECHL and World Jr's), but just can't seem to get onto the "Shepherd's Buddy List."

  3. I agree I hope we see more of this guy and less of the clown reffing this in this league. Last nights game between Minnesota and the Mavericks was horrible. One of the Goofs just all out mugged a maverick player in the offensive zone during the second over time and no call.

  4. The refs call it as they see it. Instead of riding them why don't you try and be a ref for youth hockey and see how hard it is to even make calls, even at that level. The game is so fast you have a hard time seeing everything. Even with 2 refs you still can't call everything and I believe adding the second ref confuses things. Because when the game is close what do you do if the other ref lets a close call go and now you should do the same. Think about it and until you ref a game with some speed, then you can comment..

  5. Craig, I used to ref in intramurals for two years I don't think the WCHA has a leg to stand on. They suck, Thul is the best I have seen and he had what I would call a tough night. Oshie was slough footed infront of the Tech net, blatant call and the ref just stood there with his finger in his but. Then calls a ticky tacky penalty in OT. That is what the fans are upset about.

    Make the calls or get off the ice. I don't necessarly have a problem with the hooking call in overtime but Thul has to call the Slough foot in the third period.

  6. Anybody who has been a ref in any sport knows it's not the easiest thing to do. You're right you can't see everything but you also can't turn a blind eye to things in front of your face like the WCHA refs tend to do.
