Goon's World Extras

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Goon's World's Interviews Win-Twins

Here was the Question I posed for Heather from Win-Twins the Blogger for SCSU. I also answered some question from Win-Twins as well.

1.) Why does everyone think the Sioux are a bunch of Goons?
There are probably many answers to this questions, but here are a few. They are a “team to beat” nearly every year and there are quite a few UND fans who are as arrogant as the Gopher fans tend to be. For these reasons, people hate the Sioux. Add to that, the Sioux are always a team who has size and strength and hit hard in every game. They get in fights, they take penalties (settle down, I know they haven’t lately) and people love to have a team to hate. Plus, there’s surely some jealousy there. Would I love to have a couple big “bruisers” on my team? Heck yeah!

2.) Why does every team and their fans get up for the Sioux?
See above :)

3.) Who do you think will make the NCAA playoffs from the WCHA?
UND, CC, Denver for sure. SCSU, MSU are likely. Minnesota has an off-chance. Wisconsin, UMD – probably not.

4.) Is this the year that the Swoonskies I mean Huskies finally win an NCAA playoff game?
HAHA! You crack me up Goon! Yes. For the first time in a long time, we’re not entering the playoffs already swooning. We had our slow time in the middle of the season while the guys were all trying to figure out how to play together and the freshman were still getting used to WCHA play. These are some fun guys to watch! This group is the one that will bring home a NCAA win for the Huskies.

5.) Who are your least favorite Sioux players? (can’t say whole team) I need to see something more than because that player is a hack.
o Joe Finley – because he’s Goon’s favorite. No, because he’s a GIGANTOR and I just know he’s going to manhandle MY guys this weekend
o TJ Oshie – because he disrespects his team and the fans time and again by being an idiot
o Lammy – because he’s a drama queen, and because he’s so damn good when he’s on. UGH! :(

Just for the Record Two of my favorite players are T.J. Oshie and Big Joe Finley.

6.) Who’s your favorite Sioux player?
I like Robbie Bina because of his whole “story”. He’s come back despite remarkable odds against him and you have to appreciate that!

7.) Who would you like to see from the Sioux on the Huskies?
Joe Finley, or someone of that stature… If he played for the Huskies, I’d like him! :)

8.)Who is a better coach Motzko or Dahl?
Ummm….let’s see, that’s tough. :) Motz hands DOWN!!

9.) Are the Huskies on the right path? How long before the SCSU fans get impatient with Motzko?
Yes, they are on the right path. Motzko does not deserve the fans’ impatience. He came into his job with the best goalie in the league already in place. It’s hard to look bad when Bobby Goepfert is your starting goalie. Now, we get to really see what he can do. They have some amazing players, top three scorers in the WCHA, a couple good goalies, and their “D” is figuring it out. If the SCSU “fans” get impatient with Motzko (and some already probably have), they’re ridiculous. I think he’s doing a good job.

9.) In your opinion who is the best coach in the WCHA and why?
I think this year, it’s Scott Owens. He’s done a really good job with the Tigers and while he did get a big boost with his freshman goalie phenom, I still think he deserves a lot of credit for what he’s done there – and for having the balls to wear his hair and moustache like an 80’s porn star! I believe she is talking about Ron Jeremy?

10.) Is LGM’s aka Amy too rough on Troy Jutting?
No, she’s been there through the years of sucking it up. The reason the Mavs are doing this well this year is because Jutting is on his best behavior with his probationary contract. IF he gets another contract (non-probationary) and can continue to coach this team to the level of play they’ve achieved this year without that hanging over his head and affecting his behavior, then we can talk about whether she’s too tough on him. Until then, I agree with her 100%.

11.) Who is your coach of the year in the WCHA this season?
Oh, I kind of answered this one above…

12.) Which WCHA coach is called the Dasher Troll?
I have NO IDEA!!

I guess the SCSU fans don't refer to Gwoz as the Dasher Troll. Because after Prpich checked Pauko's cup, Gwoz stood on the dasher, hence the name Dasher Troll.

13.) Should a hockey player be suspended for a legal check that hurts an opposing player?
No. I know people will be shocked that I’ve said this because I get so pissed when it happens, but I don’t think they should be suspended for a LEGAL check. If it’s just that they didn’t get called for it, that’s a whole other issue. Legal checks to cause injuries too and players shouldn’t be penalized for that. I’ve said this time and again, even with illegal checking, I just doubt a college kid would intentionally try to hurt someone. I just don’t think they take the time to think “Ha, I’m going to try to seriously injure this kid by checking him in the back.” Maybe I’m naïve, but it seems really out there.

14.) I read on a NHL web page that Andreas Nodl is gone as soon as the season is over for the SCSU Huskies. Do you think that is an accurate assessment?
Well, I’ve heard varying thoughts on this. The Flyers gave him some stuff to work on this season and I guess it’ll depend on whether they think he can accomplish more in their system or in the WCHA. When the season started, I would have said “Yep, he’s gone after this season.” Now, I’m just not so sure. Time will tell, I guess, but I wouldn’t be shocked either way. It’ll be a tremendous loss if he does go, I know that.

15.) Garrett Roe is a Legit Hobey Baker candidate? Why/ Why Not?
A legit candidate? Yes. Does he deserve the Hobey Baker? No. What freshman deserves the Hobey Baker? After last weekend, I’m even thinking he’s second in the league for Rookie of the Year (after Richard Bachman). However, I could definitely see him developing into the kind of player who wins a Hobey at some point in his career.


  1. OK, I just figured out the answer to my question on Heather's blog. I NOW know who "Lammy" is. Doesn't that sound an awful lot like "lame...", which he is so not!!

    Interesting stuff about Nodl (whose last name is German dialect and translates into 'dumpling'). I doubt that he will leave after this year. Though he has scored a decent number of goals, he's had major ups and downs over the season. I don't think he'd be consistent enough yet. But who knows, he may not share my opinion and smell the big bucks coming his way.

    Thanks for your Q&A, guys. It made for a fun read!!

  2. Aww, I'm going to start calling Nodl "dumpling". It's cute:) All I know is that if he bolts for Philly he damn well better leave my boy Kalinski behind in Kato!!

    Finley is a punk, plain and simple.

    See Goon...Heather understands the Jutting hate. She's been there to witness it enough and has listened to all my points of why he sucks. Also, she met him in person. Granted, she was hammMERED and kept going "WHOO! HUSKIES!" to him!

    Nice Q&A kids:)

  3. That IS so cute. Dumpling. HEHE!

    HAHA! I have seen that clip of Gwoz, but knowing the name to go along with it, it cracked me up.

    May the best team (the Huskies) win tonight Goonster! :)
