Goon's World Extras

Friday, February 01, 2008

NCAA to get rid of ties?

NHL.COM weighed in on college hockey and how the NCAA is looking to get rid of ties. Three of the six NCAA league commissioners weighed in with their personal opinions as they await the NCAA rules committee meeting in June. Notice that the WCHA commissioner Bruce McCloud is no where to be found. Bruce McCloud probably still thinks the status quo in college hockey is fine and the fans don't want the NHL rules in any shape or form, but I digress.

It is time for college hockey to change; the status quo is no longer good enough. Good enough is not good enough; NCAA hockey should constantly be seeking excellence. I also don't by the flawed argument that college hockey is fine the way it is and there is nothing wrong with a tie. I am calling shenanigans. In my opinion, ties are like kissing your sister, yuck.

I would like to see college hockey adopt the new NHL rules in some shape or form. I would like to see the NCAA (WCHA included) call the games the same way the NHL does, if your hand comes off the stick to grab another players a penalty is called, if a players stick obstructs another player any where on the ice a penalty is called. If you cross check another player right in front of the ref a penalty is called. Enough is enough, fans are paying too much money to watch a second rate brand of hockey. I would also like to see the NCAA (WCHA included) adopt the NHL's overtime rules in some form, preferably consisting of a 4 on 4 for 5-10 minutes followed by a 3 round shootout and after the shootout the winner is given 2 points and the loser is given one point. Ties in the NCAA playoffs and conference championships would still be solved by over time until someone wins.

Former Sioux Mike Commodore weighed in on the issue: "Problem with the shootout," said Commodore, "is that it's a great way to win, but a bad way to lose."


  1. I still don't buy the shootout loss thing.

    It's a sport = teams/people should win or lose.

    PLUS, you don't really lose! You still get credit for the tie!

    Hockey players sounding like sissies, what's this world coming to!?

  2. UNH guy,

    I'm with you on this one. I don't want the shoot-out in college. If two teams play 65 minutes and its tied, that's what it is, a tie.

    I do however, wish college would ref the games more like the NHL. Call the hooking, holding, and interfence that is going on.

    Goon, what... have you kissed your sister, ooooo, that is wrong, wrong, wrong. LOL

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. We are going to have to banish Sioux7 from the Row, the shoot out is awesome during the REGULAR SEASON.

    AH, the morgan and coke is tasting good.

  5. man, I could use one of those right now!

    No, 7, I LOVE the shootout!

    I said 'win or lose' not win or lose or tie.

    I'm a fervent believer in the shootout.

    I don't buy into people whining about the shootout loss.

    I would get rid of the pathetic overtime as well! If you can't get it done in 60 minutes you don't deserve another five! Although, if it's four-on-four well, I'm alright with that.

    But shootouts all the way!

    Shootouts would encourage teams to put more effort into the 60 minutes if they were worried about the shootout loss but you get one point anyway - it's a win-win situation!

  6. UNH, great post, I hope the WCHA does the shoot out, sioux7 will learn to love it trust me, just add a little liquid courage.
