Goon's World Extras

Monday, February 25, 2008

The NCAA is at it again.

Here we go again same old ___ again. UND fan's favorite NCAA executive director Myles Brand is at it again. True to form; Myles Brand is over looking one institution while holding another member institution to different standards. It is just not right. I wonder what it would take to get Myles Brand out at NCAA headquarters? Seems like we need to have a regime change at the NCAA head quarters. I know I am not the only one that feels this way.

Hypocritical NCAA silent on Lobos' casino deal
Here we are again. Another inconceivable, unfathomable moment in the life of the NCAA, and I'm left stupefied. The NCAA is, beyond the shadow of any man's reasonable doubt, the most hypocritical organization in sports.

Last week, the University of New Mexico's athletic department announced a $2.5 million sponsorship deal with a tribal casino hotel. Let that sink in, folks.

An institution of higher learning signed a marketing deal with a company built around gambling.

And not a peep from the NCAA.

Now, if that's not enough to make you tear your hair out, consider this: The casino/hotel is located on tribal land 25 miles west of Albuquerque, where the university is located. Not so long ago, the NCAA -- and president Myles Brand, in particular -- blew a gasket and demanded the end of member institutions using "hostile and offensive" Native American nicknames. He went as far as saying no NCAA championships would be played at any university using such a nickname.

Yet here is New Mexico, an NCAA member institution, making millions from a development corporation that owns a casino on Native American soil.

Many believe that tribal casinos are a way for others to make millions, while most of the Native Americans living near the casinos see scant profits. Since tribal sovereignty is the legal basis for gambling on Native American land, tribes aren't bound to disclose profits or how the money is spent. All we really know is this hotel/casino just so happens to glamorize and glorify the NCAA's unspeakable sin, gambling.

At a press conference announcing the deal, New Mexico president David Schmidly said he saw no problem with the university's marketing deal: "They don't do any gambling on sports events or things of that nature, so I think it's a win-win."

Gambling is gambling. There are no shades of gray -- only black and white.

Go into any locker room on any campus in the country, and there are countless NCAA posters plastered all over the walls about the ills of gambling and how one mistake can end careers and destroy programs.

Yet, we've heard nothing from Brand about New Mexico's utterly inappropriate revenue-generating relationship with a casino. That, ladies and gentlemen, is hostile and offensive.

Meanwhile, the University of North Dakota, per NCAA rules, has two years to gain approval from the state's Sioux tribes to use the nickname Fighting Sioux. Or else.

There's nothing like the foul stench of hypocrisy.

At UND we are used to Myles Brand and his stench of hypocrisy, it's old hat. Brand lives by the do as I say not as I do philosophy. This deal stinks of corruption and and an administrator out of line with main stream. Gamblings and college sports are a recipe for trouble. So what is it going to be Myles? Why don't you answer the damn questions? I would expect that Brand is going to to continue to stone wall like he always do. Its stuffed shirts like Myles Brand that give academics a bad name.

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