Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This weeks picks: Misc Ramblings/Rants

Colorado College at Michigan Tech
Minnesota at Wisconsin
St. Cloud State at Minnesota State
Alaska-Anchorage at North Dakota

Minnesota-Duluth at Mass.- Lowell

Colorado College at Michigan Tech
Minnesota at Wisconsin
Minnesota State at St. Cloud State
Alaska-Anchorage at North Dakota

Minnesota-Duluth at Mass.- Lowell

Picks last week 8-2
For the Year 82-52

~A fan from Mankato last week made the comment, "that Kaip is nothing more than a goon", however, in looking at the numbers that said goon has one more goal that Mankato's top scoring forward. That same forward had the misfortune of deciding to fight Kaip on Friday night's game.

~UND has won 5 WCHA games in a row for the first time since 2004.

~LGM's favorite UND goalie has given up 8 goals in the past 5 games.


  1. Kaip is more of a punk than a goon! :)

  2. LGM no one is more of a whiner than you. All your comments center around how rude the other teams fans are or how its not fair because the other team pushes your team after the whistle, or some other ridiculous cry-baby comment. This is hockey, stop whining and grow a pair. Maybe you should start watching basketball instead, that sport is full of whiney candy-ass types like yourself, you‘ll fit right in.

    By the way, Kaip is not a goon or a punk he is a bad-ass, hard nose player who does what it takes to win. He embodies everything great about hockey and is exactly the type player who should be wearing the "C" on his jersey.

  3. Chet, trust me on this one (I'm a nurse), it would be nearly impossible for LGM to grow a pair. She's a girl! Can't you tell by her comments??

  4. Yes, I picked up on that. I was using the phrase in a proverbial manner.
