Goon's World Extras

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sioux sweep again

Finally the Sioux get the sweep on the road 23 games into the season and with the win move into 5th in the PWR rankings. The wins did not come easy, the Sioux had to work for them as they gutted out a couple of tough wins in a hostile building against a tough hard working team this weekend further solidifying their hold on third place. Over on USCHO I saw some various fans saying that the Sioux were handed Friday nights game by the refs. Sorry that claim is unfounded. Of course I am going to say that I a Sioux fan. In my opinion I believe the refs got the calls right. First off; you can not run over a goalie to score a goal, it is not legal in any league. Second; on the Mankato goal that was waved off because the net was off before the puck went into the net; even the Mankato television crew said that the net was off before the puck went in the net, that fact does hurts your argument.
Fast forward to Saturday night, on the Mankato goal that was waved off tonight, the net came off a split second before the puck crossed the line. From the replay you could see that was a tough call to make; but the refs made the right call. I think the Mav's are going to make some noise before it looks like the refs made the right call when it was all said and done. On the people that said Kaip is nothing more than a hack and goon, that so called goon has more goals than Maverick's top scorer he fought. That is also the same Maverick forward that looked like a pro taking off his helmets and gloves during Friday's fight. They agreed to fight before the face off. This is the same angle that was feeding Kaip punches will Kaip stood there and took it. That is almost as classless as Downie punching Blake while the refs holding him.
The Sioux score 7 goals on the weekend, 5 were on the power play, 1 was short handed and one was even strength. While last nights game was a grinding game, tonight's game seemed more wide open. I think over the next couple of weeks your going to see the UND defense tighten up. The Mavericks definitely take the puck to the net and finish their checks.


  1. Wow! After reading Goon's take on the weekend (Unfortunately& admittedly, I was unable to see even one second of live game action...but if Goon says it happened that way, then it must have), I'm pumped if he's pumped (and it sounds like he is, eff the fans that say the FIGHTING SIOUX were "given" their win...keep the goal on it's moorings for chrise sake!) I'm excited for the post season (and the rest of the regular season). Hello AA and Donald Dunlop (Yeah, I know I shouldn't give DD any mention...he's a whiny little bitch, especially when you give him even a tiny bit of lip...tends to get his panties in a bunch...but it's good to talk smack...especially when DD is rooting for the team playing against the FIGHTING SIOUX).

  2. That second to the last picture looks like Lammy being Lammy - why is he crying THIS time!?? :)

  3. Ok, I'm not really going to get into it with you or the other rabid Sioux fans but the goal on Friday in which the net was "off" was because frickin' Lammy lifted it off with his skate. Classic Lammy move. That punk does that atleast once a series. I would like to know how many oposing goals are waived off against the Sioux for the net being off. He was lifting that thing left and right, and if he wasn't doing that, then your boys felt the need to nail our guys into the post and get it off. That's exactly what happened on Saturday's goal and it's total BS that your guy got away with cross checking Wiley into the post like that to throw off the goal. He could have seriously hurt him. Punks. Plain and simple.

    For Kaip, he's a loser. Plain and simple. I was lucky enough to walk past him 5 times (he was sitting at the table on top of my section) and the only thing that kept me from saying something to him is that he's a whiney bitch that would have complained to security. He even LOOKS crazy when you see him in person. Also, SO classy that your players don't wear suits when they're not playing. Way to dress up for the game and show some professionalism and respect. Oh wait..respect?!? UND's program doesn't know what that is.

    Oh a few years we'll still be Mavericks and the whiney bitch UND program will, what? Not FIGHTING SIOUX....and that will live on as the biggest whining session for life when that goes down. I can't wait.

    Still HATE the Sioux. Glad I don't have to look at them again this year.

    LOVE your friends though! They gave me hope that there are actually some decent Sioux fans out there! They claim you're cool too but not like I would know or anything since you wimped out and didn't make the Kato trip and are probably doing the same for the FF:)

    Also, nice pic of Lammy being a whiney bitch. GOD! He's annoying as hell!!

  4. Talk about whiney....LGM you're the queen of whiney. i guess i would be too if my favorite team was 0-9-1 against the Mavs. admit you have a crush on Kaip & JPL and the Sioux are secretly your favorite team. ole!

  5. Hakstol is 13-2-2 against the Mavericks. I think we should have the Mavericks as our natural rival these games are a lot of fun.

    Amy why is it you hate Kaip? Because he worked over Bruess?

  6. Jeff that is my perspective of course the Maverick fans are going to be happy after this weekend.

    I was surprised UND didn't get a penatly for cross checking on that play. It did look like the a blown call but still not a goal.

    Heather I am glad you liked the Lammy picture, I thought that one was funny myself. Last night he did his patented dive and got the penalty. I guess Thul didn't get the memo from Adam.

  7. I just don't like the kid. He's a punk and an overall dick. He doesn't even have the talent to back up his attitude. Atleast if someone like Oshie gets cocky, he has the talent to back it up.

    Oshie actually had a pretty quiet weekend. The Mavs did a nice job of making him a non-factor.

    Thanks for being honest on the non-call on that cross check. It happened right in front of me and was BAD. I don't care for crap like that if ANY team does it. Penalties done on purpose that could seriously hurt the other player is just uncalled for.

    I'll get my wrap up on the blog soon. I've been busy cleaning and watching Bridget Jones' Diary:)

  8. What is up with the Sioux fans?? The majority of you have to be the most backwards, slow, wierd, obnoxious, did I mention backwards, people I have ever seen in my life. Lets tuck our Jerseys into our tapered jeans, wearing our fuzzy green wigs while we drag our young children up to the bar so they can watch us slam shots or the cheapest liquor available, and chase em with beers.....all of that just after you get done Grand Forkin your sister in the Handicap bathroom. I can't even complain about the Sioux players after being subjected to the fans. With a few exceptions, the Sioux fans are classless and annoying...
