Goon's World Extras

Monday, January 07, 2008

On Frozen Blog; Mean Joe Finley — Even Meaner?

I found this article at the ON FROZEN BLOG I know it is a little late but we might as well enjoy big Joe now because he is going to be gone at the end of the season.

The Wisconsin State Journal this week has a detailed account of the mayhem the North Dakota Fighting Sioux directed at freshman phenom Kyle Turris of the Wisconsin Badgers this past weekend. Turris, the third overall pick of the 2007 draft by Phoenix, is an understandable target of old-time attention one month into the college hockey season: he’s been perhaps the most impressive and dominant first-year performer, piling up 14 points in 8 games thus far. He’s third in the nation in scoring, behind a pair of St. Cloud State teammates: Ryan Lasch and Vienna, Va.’s Garrett Roe, also a freshman. They have 17 points in 10 games.

The Fighting Sioux have their share of dominating forwards, including last year’s Hobey Baker winner Ryan Duncan. Nonetheless, they made like their namesakes last weekend, as the Journal notes:

“In the first period of the series opener Friday, won 4-0 by UW, Turris was walloped at the offensive blue line by Fighting Sioux junior defenseman Joe Finley, a fellow NHL first-rounder (Washington) who is listed at 6-foot-7 and 245 pounds . . .

“Things escalated in the second game . . . Finley literally tackled Turris along the right boards . . .”

Not content to make life miserable for skilled Badgers on the ice, Big Joe apparently got rough off it, too:

“. . . a UW official confirmed that Finley allegedly used his stick to smack Bucky Badger in the leg when the two passed one another on the runway to the dressing rooms Saturday night.”

He can’t get to D.C. fast enough for me.

Here are a few pictures that Win-Twins sent me.
Here are a couple of pictures of Joe Finley that were sent to me. While a lot of fans of opposition teams think Finley is a gutless thug or a tireless hack. I think that honor has been earned by Stu Bickle. Personally I think Finley is a great defenseman that has done nothing but get better since his arrival at UND... The fact that fans complain about him means he is affective and giving them reason to grumble, fans used to say the same things about Matt Greene. Joe has also cut down on the stupid penalties this season and has been a effective penalty killer since his arrival at UND.


  1. Finley is a piece of crap. If you think this pictures are good...wait until you see what I have to post for the UND series. I can't wait!!

  2. Tell me Finley wouldn't look good in a Purple uniform? One person hack is another person's hard nosed player.

  3. No one looks good in purple. :)

    Btw, John Scott is a big teddy bear if you get to know him. Great guy.

    Also, the real reason I came here is to stand up for my favorite Gopher, Stu Bickel.

    1) B-I-C-K-E-L
    2) He's way too adorable to be a "tireless hack"
    3) So there!

  4. MEg- um..yeah...all teddy bears try to run people over with their SUV's!!

    For the record, everyone looks good in purple!! :)

  5. Finley is not a hack, thug or what ever the opposing fans say he is. Scott was here in Grand Forks for the Wild game at the REA and that guy is a mountain of a man.

  6. Goon- why were you checking Scott out?!? I thought you liked girls?

    My bad!! :)

  7. Yes LGM's I like women, I just didn't realize he was that big when he played for MTU.

  8. MyWorld- Obviously YOU don't know what the hell YOU are talking about. If you read Goon's blog on a regular basis, you would know that I razz him on a regualar basis and it's my job to get him going!! He knows I hate the Sioux...always have and always will...and will rip on them until the end. Most of it I mean and it's always amped up just for the Goonster.

    So, before you go off on me all half-cocked read this blog for the past year or so and get a frickin' clue.

    Besides, Goon doesn't even truly love the Sioux. He's a Maverick fan at heart and is in love with Troy Jutting. He has the Chuckie doll to prove it:)

    Also, speaking of stereotypes...boy oh boy do YOU fit the Sioux stereotype. Arrogant, cocky, and can't take one word of critism at all. Do you think it's a coincidence at all that all this season your team, coaches, and fans have been getting into big arguments/fights and having issues with every team in the WCHA? Thanks again for reminding me that most of the Sioux fans are like your stupid arrogant ass and not good humored like Goon.

    God Goon, why do you let these dicks on your blog?!?

    Also, I'm just getting warmed up. I'm anxiously awaiting the MSUM/UND series for all the tricks I have up my sleeve:)

  9. Oh boy! can't wait to see the pics you've pulled off facebook of some UND player sipping a brew or two. i would expect more creativity from a 40-someting adult but you are a kato fan. humor??? i guess when your team traditionally sucks, it's easy to take that route. critism isn't a problem, half-baked comments and puffing your chest out from behind a keyboard is, tool.

  10. Archie- first off don't even try to lump me in the 40-something catagory. Not even close. Also, in case you haven't figured it out...I'm a WOMAN and not a guy, so no need to puff out my chest.

    Ugg. Seirously, Sioux fans are the most annoying ever. Of course I watch as little UND hockey as possible because I can't stand them!! I will cheer for any WCHA team over them. Heck, last year I cheered for a non-WCHA team to win the FF because I dislike the Sioux program and what they stand for that much. You guys love to hate the Gopher fans and think they're so horrible. Well, look in the mirror!

    Wow Goon, I really hope this guy isn't one of your buds!

  11. Lgm's I don't know who Archie is but I welcome fans of all teams here.

  12. hey honey, relax.....there's no reason to be hatin' on the Sioux. Kick back and throw in some g.b.leighton and dream of the days of backes, stephenson, morin and carter, i guess. looks like i picked a fight with the wrong woman. go mavs!!!

  13. Heck, last year I cheered for a non-WCHA team to win the FF because I dislike the Sioux program and what they stand for that much.

    LGM's what is it UND stands for. I went to school at UND and I liked UND mainly because it wasn't a big city school/campus and that it had a historic hockey program. I liked UND so much I decided to stay at UND and not go to Graduate School at Mankato or to the University of New Mexico.

    I can't believe that big joe brings this type of reactions out of people.

  14. Goon-

    You'll notice I said the "sioux program" which I was talking about hockey. What don't I like about it? Man, it would be easier to say what I do like about it...and the only thing would be that you guys have dedicated fans (though obnoxious and arrogant!). I can't stand the way the Sioux players act on and off the ice, Hak has ZERO personality and is spineless, Ralph Engelstad was a horribly mean man, and you know I don't like the fighting Sioux nickname. That's just to start it. I'm sure with this comment the rabid Sioux fans will be over on my blog alread. Ugg. We don't play against the Sioux until next weekend and your fans are already driving me nuts!! Are you the only normal one?

    Also, you know it's not just Joe that brings out my hate for the Sioux. He just happens to be the subject of this post. I hate them all. Joe is just on the top of the list because he's a thug and a punk. Come one, who hits mascots?!?

    Also, bad choice on staying at UND for grad school. You know as well as I do that MSUM has the best program for your major around!!

  15. LGM- Your hatred of the SIOUX "program" is hostile and abusive. Are your hating statements about Sioux hockey a direct comparision to the prestine program at mankato? I'd dying to know how you come up with such asinine statements

    1. off the ice aside, what is it that makes you hate UND players on the ice? The Sioux physical style of play bothers you??? i'm curious as to what it is. i don't see them do excesive celebrations after goals, whine to the refs, or pop their jerseys.

    2. how is Hakstol spineless, how and why? also, so you know him and can tell he has no personality?? just becuase the guy is stoic on the bench doesn't mean he doesn't have a personality.

    3. you knew Ralph too...? Did he kick your dog, is that why he's MEAN.

    4. we won't go into the nickname for obvoius reasons but you can't tell me the Sioux don't have the best sweater in the conference.

    I just wish Mankato was more of a threat to win the WCHA each year so i could muster up some hate for them as well.

  16. Archie-

    1. Everytime I watch the Sioux play (which has been games against Mankato, SCSU, and UofM) they have quite the tendency to slash, hit, shove, or just act like jerks after every dang whistle. It gets old. If it was one game and one team, I could chalk it up to a rivalry or dislike for that team but it's been consistent over the years. I don't mind physical play at all but the cheap shots after the whistle all the time gets old quick. I'm not saying the Mavs are perfect but you don't see that crap all the time. As far as the jersey pop...well, Mavs don't do that as far as I've seen. I personanlly think the jersey pop is hilarious and is a good thing to mock others about. As far as whining to the refs...are you kidding me?!? Have you watched Lammy at all? That kid always whines and looks for the call. Others do it too...but that's something every team is guilty of at one point in time or another because of the crappy reffing of the WCHA.

    2. Hak is spineless by his lack of discipline on his team. How many other coaches have players on some type of probation and let them off as easy as he does? How many other coaches get into fights with opposing fans? Or, look at his argument with Eaves earlier this season. Spineless. Can't stand the guy.

    3. Have you ever done any research on Ralph and his antics? Do it and you'll see my point. He was not a nice man, to say the least.

    4. As far as the nickname goes, if they wanted to remove the "fighting" part and get the ok of the Sioux tribe (like the Sminoles) to use the name I wouldn't have an issue with it.

    As far as the jersey, no, I don't think you have the best looking sweater.

    As far as Mankato being a threat...go ahead and underestimate them. Be stupid. Even Goon will tell you to not underestimate the Mavs. They play hard and with passion. Keep in mind, our coach suck and we're the newest team to the WCHA. Can we draw the big recruits like UofM, WI, or UND? No. They have more money, a more established program,and better facilities. However, that doesn't mean that the Mavs are nothing...and attitudes like yours are exactly why I can't stand your team and program. Have a little respect. Most people look at MSUM's team and have respect for the players because they play hard every night and are trying.
