Goon's World Extras

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Hey Schmidt get off your knees your blowing the game

I want to hear why this is not a goal, I want to hear something other than an apology. If I was the Badgers coach Mike Eaves I would be calling the league office and demanding that the WCHA league office review this goal and then give the Badgers coach a reason why it wasn't called a goal. There should have been an overtime in this game. Then the Greg Sheppard and Bruce McCloud should fire Randy Schmidt because he has no business reffing games in the WCHA or pee wees.


  1. Doing my usual Sat morning routine; having some cofee, perusing the news sites, and college hockey sites. For some reason (I hadn't checked since the original incident in Denver), but I wanted to see if Schmidt was reffing anywhere this weekend. He Denver again...did the Pioneer crowd give him a standing O before the game I was wondering (I hadn't heard about last night's incident yet). A couple of hours pass, and I read the news about last nights Wisco-Denver game. I was speechless.

    It obvious that the Wisco players have their arms up in celebration with a 1/2 second left. It was reported on USCHO's front page that the call to waive off the goal "ultimately came from upstairs." WTF is wrong with the WCHA refs? Especially when they're in Denver. Does the high altitude affect their tiny brains??? How do they f*ck up another call like this?

    It's still nice to see Wisco loose though:)

    If in fact it was Schmidt that waived off the goal, I can't see how he isn't at the very least demoted to a linesman. If it was him that made the call, he's shown AGAIN that he's incapable of being a head ref.

  2. Un-freaking-believeable!! How does this guy still have a job?? Another game deciding goal and he messes up. Pretty soon, the apologies are going to mean nothing. Oh wait, they already mean nothing. This needs to be addressed. The reffing in this league is ridiculous already, without Schmidt who is so clearly inept, it's scary!!

    Jeff, hilarious. I bet the DU fans DID give him a standing ovation!! They've got to LOVE him there! HE clearly wears a DENVER jersey under his ref uniform....

  3. Oh, and by the way, the other blown call was against the Huskies in St. Cloud - can't blame the thin air there!! But, it was against Denver - huh, common denominator??

  4. Right you are wintwins57...I was looking for an excuse for Schmidt, but I guess the thin air theory wont fly.

    I can't understand why the WCHA goes through all of the trouble to institute instant replay, but wont allow the refs access to other video feed (FSN, BigTen, FSSN, CSTV) than what the WCHA is capturing.

    I started reading through the WISCO-Denver thread on USCHO, but had to stop, was getting sick to my stomach.

    Looking at a slow motion replay, it's obvious that the clock doesn't start the exact moment that the puck is dropped. However, the Badger players are raising their arms with .6-.5 seconds on the clock. There's no way that it took more than .5-.6 seconds for the FSN clock to start after the drop of the puck.


    Does anyone know if it was actually Schmidt that called off the goal?

  5. Another thought...This is obviously the leagues attempt at making the most money...The west regional is being held in the Denver area this year. Obviously either CC or Denver will be seeded there (whoever is seeded higher would get to stay home, right?). Would Denver draw more fan$$$$$$ than CC? These two horrendous calls are the Leagues way to do all they can do to make sure that Denver gets seeded in the West.

  6. Firing Schmidt won't make a difference. We need to go to the top and get rid of Sheppard and McClown.

  7. I'm concerned about the points... Look at the standings, UW is in a 3-way tie for 6th in the league right now. If they would have changed the record and listed it as a tie, UW would be alone in 6th place 1-point ahead of UM and MTU... This one point could end up having a big impact on UW, and possibly on DU (it looks like DU will end up in the top five, as it stands right now). What will UW fans say at the end of the season if they end up 1-pt short of getting a home playoff series?

    I think the Pioneers are college hockey version of the NFL's Patriots, the league wants them to do well, so they can make money... can you say conspiracy theory... Another reason for that is with UM having a down year, the next biggest market is Denver.
