Goon's World Extras

Monday, December 10, 2007

You have got to be Kidding me.

I found this blatant example of stupidity that was posted over on GPL Thanks to Fire_Helmet_Guy 26 for posting it over on Sioux Sports: It was posted by some Skippy named CMC.

I sent an email to UND right after the game on Friday regarding the Holy Cross comment by the PA announcer. Here is their response:
Mr. Cliff,
Thanks for your note.

For anyone who found that comment offensive, I apologize on behalf of our arena and athletic program. Certainly no intentional slight or disrespect was intended to the University of Minnesota's outstanding men's hockey program. I do believe that the interaction between the two schools and programs is conducted with the highest degree of professionalism.

PA announcements and scoreboard announcements are meant to entertain the crowd. If you attend regular college or professional sporting events, I am sure you understand there are a certain amount of scoreboard displays, music, and inflections by the public address announcement that are for this purpose and serve to help create a "home ice (field or court) advantage." That is what the intention was with that particular announcement. These type of announcements are intended as friendly ways to get the crowd involved--nothing more.

However, we do understand your opinion, and the opinions of some others who may feel that this particular PA announcement was in poor taste. Therefore, we are sorry for any offense taken at this announcement and any subsequent misunderstanding that has resulted. Again, our sincerest apologies to those who might not have understood the intent of this announcement or to those who feel it should not have been made.

We will make every effort to be careful about our public address announcements in the future to avoid such misunderstandings.

We have a great deal of respect for the University of Minnesota and all of our opponents.

Thank you for your thoughts, and I hope this response helps alleviate some of your concerns.

Best wishes,
Dan Benson
Media Relations Director
University of North Dakota Athletics

First off I would apologize for nothing and this moron is not entitled to anything other than the game he witnessed. People like this guy is the reason our once great country is in decline and going to hell in a hand basket. We are a nation full of cry babies that complain about everyone and anything. The USA has become this hypersensitive, sniveling, whinny bunch of wussies. This is the same person that lodges a complaint about everything and everything at work. Get real and cry me a fricken river junior, grow a sack and stop crying you sniveling baby. We have way to many bravo males in the world, I just don't have time for these morons. I suppose this cry baby thinks he has the right to not be offended. It's funny your team lost to a 16 seed and it will still be funny ten years from now. The 1989 game is still funny to me. Chink!

Lastly if I was Dan I wouldn't have even responded to his email or I would have written something like this:

Here is the letter Dan should written to this hypersensitive clown.

Dear Mr Cliff, thank you for your letter. Sorry you were offended by the announcement of Holy Cross being off this weekend. Since you are so thinned skinned I would recommend you stay home next time and watch the game on the Minneapolis Sports Channel where you are less likely to be offended and will get a less objective broadcast that suits your pro gopher needs. Please don't bother ever coming back up to the REA anymore, we don't need you nor do we want your money. We will gladly sell the ticket you would have bought to a more deserving, less sensitive and gracious hockey fan. You give the many great gopher fans a bad name.


Dan Benson


  1. Hmm...wonder why the Alltel Center didn't get it last year when they played the audio of the Holy Cross goal and then started chanting "where is Hirsch?" clap, clap, clap, clap, clap "In the nuthouse!" clap, clap, clap, clap, clap?!?!?

  2. Also, I don't get it. What exactly was said?!? Just that Holy Cross had the weekend off or more? I've heard complaints but haven't read what was exactly said! Fill me in!!

  3. the pa announcer said:
    after announcing a bunch of scores that Holy Cross is off tonight. Nothing more, nothing less. That is it. That is how pathetic some Goofer fans have become. It sounds like the Altel center gets it on how funny it is.

  4. During the game, it is standard procedure for the PA announcer to announce who is playing in the WCHA. During the first tv timeout in the first period of Friday night's game, the PA announcer mentioned who was playing within the WCHA. At the end of the announcement, the announcer goes, "And Holy Cross is off this weekend." It was a friendly jab at a rival and had no malicious intent.

  5. Wow. I thought for sure it was something more than that. I guess the Gopher fans are a little touchy this season!

  6. Gopher fans are touchy every season! They can't stand it when someone would dare to suggest they are less than perfect!! Goon, you are absolutely correct. That letter did not even deserve a reply! What a loser! It's freaking funny!! I thought they played the whole Holy Cross video again and I thought "well, that's a little old, but still freaking funny!" If that's all that was said, it's ridiculous that it even needs commenting on. UGH!! Gopher fans!

  7. i'm a gopher fan, and i didn't give a crap. play the holy cross fight song for all i care. you know we'd have done the same thing. i think it's fair game. (have to admit, it even got a chuckle out of me). that guys is obviously a douche bag and should probably stick to watching figure skating.

    at least, i hope, we can all agree on this - you can't spell sucks, without scsu!

  8. LOL, James your right that guy is a douche bag. I thought it was you can't spell with out NDSU but I guess I see the genius.

  9. Um, Goon....there isn't a "n" or a "d" in how could it be that you can't spell "sucks" without NDSU?

    Oh Goonster...spelling, grammar...

  10. Hey James! No, we can't all agree on that!! I wouldn't expect anything else from a freaking gopher fan though - gotta pick on someone when your own team sucks!! :)

  11. You have to be a Sioux fan to understand this, you can't spell sucks with out NDSUcks... Get it.
    MSU-M fans wouldn't get it...

    Back in the day before NDSU went Division one in everything their fans were obsessed with the Sioux like Goofers fans are today with the Sioux.

  12. I get what you're trying to say Goon but really UND fans end up looking stupid for saying "you can't spell sucks without NDSU" because you can..because there is no N and D for crying out loud!!

    Also, get over the thought that everyone is obsessed with UND. Cripes. They're not. That's just what the narcissistic UND fans think. UGG!!

  13. The NDSU rivalry is way more intense than UND and MSU-M but its because of them being only 70 miles away.

    UND fans narcissistic. LOL, are we crabby today? :)
