Goon's World Extras

Friday, December 14, 2007

WCHA send letter of apology to SCSU

This has to be a first: Finally the WCHA has admitted that one of its ref's were in the wrong. Ok; but not so fast, I want the league to take it one further. I want to announce what type of punishment Randy Schmidt's will recieve. IMHO, this is the only way the league can keep any shred of credibility that it has left.

The text of the apology reads as follows:

"The Western Collegiate Hockey Association , after a further review of the situation, has acknowledged to St. Cloud State University that an error was made on interpretation of a goal that occurred in a game against the University of Denver on Dec. 7 at the National Hockey Center. "According to NCAA rules, a goal was improperly allowed after a video replay review and should not have counted.

"In acknowledging the error, however, rules do not permit any change in the outcome of a game."


  1. Thanks for showing the love to our article, but we would appreciate if you only put the link to the article instead of copying/pasting the whole thing. Especially since there's a link to the actual video inside that article which would be of use to people. Thanks. AdamW. (CHN)

  2. I can respect them if they admit they screwed up. The stonewalling that goes on makes it worse.

    But speaking of this where's the apology from the WCHA for little Sheppards butchering a goaltender infererence call against the Gophers two years ago?

  3. I agree, but it will never happen. I just surprised they actually admitted fault, now I want to see results in officals being removed from the game.

  4. Whistler you want to lay odds that Campion is officating the Sioux Vs the Goofs in Feb?

    They should just put a Goofer jersey on Jon Campion when he refs the games.

  5. Goon- check out my blog for how I think the apology should have went!!

  6. I will check it out as soon as I get home since I can't view it at work. Night shift with no hockey sucks.

  7. thanks Goon ... wouldn't hold your breath on referee suspensions. :)

  8. Yeah I know what you mean, I doubt they will make anything public either. Besides even when I was a competative swimmer I couldn't hold my breath that long. :)

    It is big that they did admit that they were wrong.

  9. I honestly cannot believe they admitted they were wrong, but what does it really accomplish? A whole lot of nothing unless Schmidt is actually penalized in some way for his crappy officiating. Thanks for nothing WCHA!

  10. Heather I was wondering what you were going to say. yeah unless they discipline Schmidt it really doesn't matter.

  11. Goon, it wouldn't surprise me at all to see Campion on the ice in the next Gopher/Sioux matchup. Of course the fact that he was on the ice last weekend shows the mentality of the WCHA.

    We have poor officiating because that's the way McCloud and Sheppard want it. Until you change that you won't change the officiating.

  12. I think eventually the refing situation is going to come to a head. I think the reason the games are called the way they are is for Parity like Jim Dahl's blog article I think that is what the league wants.

    I would love to run the league office for a year or two, this obstruction would be gone. The NHL is a much cleaner game because of it. The DQ rule should be taken well...

    I am all for giving a person that gets into a fight a game misconductd and not a game disqualification.

  13. Goon, I can just imagine if you ran the league office!! :) Oh, and thanks for predicting a CC sweep, I think it helped take the pressure off my boys!

  14. If I ran the league office some heads would roll....
