Goon's World Extras

Monday, November 26, 2007


I am not sure what prompted this post: but here is Donna's post after Friday's game on Running with the Dogs I guess she is saying that Sioux fans are a bunch of halo's who complain about the refs. That's ok, I am fine with that. I actually thought it was funny. Also, Goon's world is a huge fan of Donna's work and would never let an article stand in the way.

UMD 3, Ref Complainers 8

What kind of a fanbase whines about officiating when their team wins by 5 goals? UND Blogger Goon should be ashamed of himself. Evidently, Sioux fans are only satisfied when zero penalties are called on the Sioux and their opponent is down 2 men for the entire game. Plus, since the UND PP was pretty much crap last night, I would think they wouldn't want to showcase that too much. Not that they'd ever give our PK any credit.

Yeah, I know, I sound like a sore loser right now. It's not that. I just hate playing this series. I resent the implication by many of the UND fans that we don't even deserve to play their team, that we should just roll over and die because our team is worthless and the only team worth their time is UMTC, with whom they are obsessed. I really wish that tDogs could have shown that we were better than that, and for moments during the game, they did. I felt like I developed acute bipolar disorder during the course of the game.

I went to the game on Friday and this is what I had to say on Sioux sports about the Refs:

I am thinking tomorrow night we are going to see a tight checking trap feast/game. Anything can happen with that buffoon reffing the games. The 3-0 lead then came the reffing by the score board calls

First off I don't nor do I claim to speak for Sioux fans. I speak for the Goon and the Goon only. First off, I am never going to give props to the officials because I believe the officials in this league suck, period, I will not sugar coat my feelings towards the refs, nor will I ever hide my disdain for them.

On the post. OK I admit; that is my work and I spelled Buffoon wrong originally in my post on Sioux sports, however, I don't think what I posted was that far off the mark, in my perspective it was true. There is no doubt that UND came out pretty strong and took the game to UMD. The Sioux got a 2 quick goals and it looked as if the Sioux were going to be off to the races. It would be an accurate assessment to say that they were clicking on all eight cylinders. Realistically speaking I also know that the last Sioux goal was a fluke. Call it what you want it was a weak goal or a bag goal. The funny part is that it was scored by a player that was sitting on the bench by the time it puck crossed the goal line. So what? It is better to be lucky than good.

That being said, it also doesn't take a rocket scientist to say that the calls made after that third goal by referee Todd Anderson were based on the scoreboard. I dare anyone to tell me differently. In fact I turned to my buddy that I was sitting next and said just that. I will stand by my comments that Todd Anderson is a clown or buffoon and that he is one of the worst refs in Division one hockey, almost as bad as Don "I make shit up as I go" Adam.

Lastly, I don't think Sioux fans believe that no-one is worthy of playing the Sioux except the Golden Chokers. First off; I believe that most of the Sioux fans that I know appreciate most if not all of the WCHA teams and love watching whoever they are playing. This is the WCHA not the EZAC. Teams must bring it every night and there are no nights off...


  1. I think it's best to point out errors when you did win. That way you can be seen as not doing it out of sour grapes.

    I think Anderson screwed up a number of times.

    I thought #11 for the dogs should have been tossed out for checking from behind on Oshie on Friday.

    On Saturday he had a number of amazing calls including calling Vandervelde for holding as he was hooked to the ice. Also there was the punch that their goalie threw on Miller that he yelled at the goalie, but didn't call. Lammy's been called for that once this year (and rightly so).

    Bad weekend for Anderson IMO.

  2. Is it really possible to spell buffoon wrong? ;)

    December is almost upon us!

    Go 'Cats!

  3. I think I remember the hit your talking about whislter. If you read what I put in another post you probably remember me saying the reffing was horrible both ends of the ice. I also don't fault the Reffing for any of the Sioux's loses this year.

    I expect higher from the WCHA officals than the Horse bleep product we are subjected each night...

  4. I haven't had too much to complain about with reffing this season, whether Tech wins or loses. I think it has improved. I also think Shepherd is finally a decent ref.

    Also, to your comment:

    "First off; I believe that most of the Sioxu fans that I know appreciate most if not all of the WCHA teams and love watching whoever they are playing."

    I must disagree with that. There is definitely a lack of respect from most of the Sioux fans with a few teams in the league. I know Michigan Tech is, or at least was, one of these teams. Even though RWD was upset that night, a lot of what she said was the truth. It may not be how /you/ feel, but most/many Sioux fans don't possess that "appreciation" you speak of.

  5. Mean Girl I actually think some focus to much of their energy on what people say on a message boards. I wouldn't lump a few bad apples with a hole fan base.

    I read many different teams boards on a regular basis and I think what I have read on GPL and the Wisconsin fan boards is worse than anything that I have seen on Sioux sports. The Gopher fans show no respect what so ever to other teams or their fan base, I think they are worse than the Sioux fans. I think all we have to do is look at your tape that night in Marriucci arena.

    Is that type of thing happening at the REA? If it is, its not going on where I sit. But I am old and don't sit in the student section anymore.

    My buddies that I go to the final five with are seriously thinking about not going to the final five this year because we are tired of sparing with morons that ussually sit in the area where our seats ussually are, most of the time the only crime we have committed is wearing a Sioux jersey.

  6. Good points MEg. I do have to point out that I made the EXACT same comments last year about Sioux fans and Goon disagreed. Sioux fans are rude to MANY fanbases and do think that we're not worthy of playing them.

    Honestly, I don't think Goon realizes he's the exception. Sioux fans are HORRIBLE!!

  7. WOW. If you people are envious. Sioux fans are good fans. I guess that is because we have something to take pride in. A winning tradition. NCAA titles. WCHA titles.

  8. Sioux fan in Denver do you have tickets for the frozen four?

    What an awesome venue for the event.

  9. Wow, this is very timely, QuickDraw! I started shooting my mouth off a week ago! And hey, write your own articles! First Dilks steals my post title, now you steal my whole post!

    I don't think you speak for Sioux fans. They speak for themselves, and actually say much worse things than you do.

    First of all, even your own coach didn't think the Sioux were "clicking on all 8 cylinders" or dominating. According to Hakstol's comments (paraphrased by the incomparable Dagies), "Real ugly game for us... We were poor in the first 2 periods. Couldn't get our legs under us. Fortunate to get out to a 3 goal lead, and probably deservedly gave it away... Not ready to buy that we showed rust because of the layoff in the first 2 periods. We should be physically ready to play every game... Didn't have a lot of jump or energy in our legs. Got a little comfortable in ALL phases of our game from Phil on out in the first 2 periods. Real critical we understand what type of game this was considering it was an 8-3 win." The Sioux did not dominate the Bulldogs for more than a period of hockey during this series, and you should know that.

    Other ref complaining: "We got 2:00 for crashing the net and later on 2:00 because a Duluth player took a Robbie Earl-esque dive. The zebras are supposed to keep the game under control and call it down the middle, not become part of the story. I don't pay good money to watch them get involved in the outcome or direction of the game. Let's hope it doesn't cost anyone tomorrow."

    "UMD is forechecking/back checking/pinching/trapping/clogging/boarding/holding and anything else they can do to hold UND and to keep anyone from breaking out into open ice... "

    and then a bunch of "no call, no call" armchair ref comments.

    Whistler, when Vandevelde was hooked down, he was holding on to Garrison's stick to make sure he got the call. Anderson made the right call there.

    And then, insulting our team:
    "umd is an inferior team that we should have beat twice."

    "I am sick and tired of hearing what a good team Duluth is; they are better than last year but they are still a second division team that we should sweep at home, no questions asked."

    "Championship teams sweep teams like Duluth at home. Period."

    "Seems that the anything less than a sweep by the Sioux would be a huge disappointment to Hakstol and the rest of the team. Should see the Sioux hit UMD hard in the first period as they did against Wisconsin with a huge advantage in shots on goal.

    I predict the Sioux will have 80 or more shots on goal for the weekend and will score the game winning goals in the first or second periods of each game."

    Ugh. Enough. I could go through and post all the comments about how anything less than a championship is meaningless, how every player on your team is simultaneously God AND the devil, and how losing to Tech caused many Sioux fans to walk off cliffs like so many lemmings. I could also mention how I don't need to read GPL because I get all the Gopher info I need from Sioux Sports.

    I'm not jealous. I'll get to see the first UMD national championship, and you UND fans (except maybe MikeJM, ha) can't say that.

  10. I liked your post so I stole it, but I did give you credit for it. It game me inspiration to write my article what?
    Now if you get some nut jobs posting on our site you can't blame me, copyright AMY from Lets Go Mav's.

  11. Mean Girl, in answering your post, I know like 7 people off the Sioux Sports message board personally so I talking about people that don't post on message boards. For example my good buddies that I hang out with and go to the games for the most part aren't mean mouthing UMD or MTU teams, fans or univdersities on the various fan message boards.

    For the most part I am not going to attack a fan base except for the ones that I consider the morons, like the ones you guys met last season. I met a few of them at the EXCEL engergy center last year. I am pretty sure I wouldn't classify you or your buddies as morons.

    Again like I mentioned earlier in a blog article, I think we have lost our civility as a nation. Nothing is out of bounds anymore. There is too much of the negative interchanges between differing opinions more so in the sports world.
