Goon's World Extras

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Sioux and Badgers Rough it up.

Wow, what a way to end a very intense hockey game, almost playoff type hockey this weekend. I thought the coaches were going to start swinging at each other during the hand shake, thank God for DVR because I almost missed it. I would put my money on Hakstol to clean Mike Eave's clock but that is looking through kelly green colored glasses. While I can see how one could make the argument that there was no need for Kaip to charge Smith the way he did, so what? It's not like you couldn't see this thing whole incident coming, in the end it was nothing more than a harmless scrum, that's hockey and I like the fact that Kaip played with the game with an edge, the Sioux need that from their leaders. The Badger player Smith is lucky Kaip didn't pummel him, talk about a miss match.

There is no questing that Kyle Turris is a good player but he has lost some of my respect, Turris might want to think twice before he hacks another player with his stick. Turris is lucky that Jones who is known to be a little bit of a lose cannon, didn't go postal on him. Star player or not you can not slash an opposing player in that matter and not expect to be challenged for it.

By definition: Charging is
taking more than three strides before hitting an opponent. That is exactly what Kaip did. Kaip didn't blind side the Wisconsin player like some in the blogsphere have suggested. This hit although a penalty is not worthy of additional sanctions or punishment from the league or from the coaching staff. I will make a prediction that Hakstol will not discipline Rylan Kaip, nor does he need too.

Some perspective

Super Rookie Kyle Turris has 5 goals 9 assist for 14 points, however, he only has 2 assists in 4 WCHA games. In the WCHA teams are going to focus on Turris because the Badgers do not have a lot of offensive stars up front. Teams are going to be on Turris every night.


  1. So what?

    I guess that's what Paukovich told himself on the way to crack Bina. The truth is that Kaip's hit could have easily done some serious damage to Smith.

    Smith was hunched over. Kaip saw that. He didn't for a second consider not hitting him. He actually had lots of time to consider the action.

    He's not worthy of a captaincy in the WCHA. Hakstol is a woman if he doesn't discipline the punk.

    Lastly, in the situation as it occurred ... Eaves was WAY hotter under the collar and as a result probably would have hit Hakstol so hard that his 3rd cousin twice-removed would get a bruise.

    Don't for a second think I could give a shit about either of these teams. I don't like UND and I don't like Bucky. But trying to justify a hit that had every potential to be equal to the all-time biggest bitch amongst Sioux fans (i.e... the Bina incident) is completely ridiculous.

  2. Donald Dunlop, Seriously? Those two hits were so completely different, that I'm not going to even elaborate on them. Go back to crying in your beer in Dinkytown.

  3. Sorry to have thought DD was a goph fan. Did not mean to offend him.

    Get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning letsgomavs;) Pretty hard on me for not knowing who DD cheers for.

  4. I am a little crabby today. I'm nursing a sore throat from screaming obscenities at the Gopher fans on Friday night.

    Anyways, it's just a pet peeve of mine when people cock off to someone by assuming their fanbase. Every fanbase has stupid fans, so you can't always assume it's a Gopher fan. Click on their profile and it'll generally say in there which team they're a fan of. If not, don't smart off about it.

    Anways, I'll admit that I actually agree with Donald...which is rare!

    Kaip=dirty punk

  5. In actual time being at the game, it actually didn't look as bad as it did on tv. I didn't care for Kaip and I think he made the same type of charging hit on McBain earlier in the night. Could have been something else, but it seemed ND was out to put some guys in the wall when they weren't looking. But in Smith's case, if he had his head up, he would have seen it coming at least.

    I also didn't really care much about the hit on Smith but rather the smackdown on Turris directly after that happened.

    IN MY OPINION Turris was slashing the fuck out of Jones because they were taking cheap shots at him after every play both nights. There was only one time I really saw Turris flagrantly slash at Jones with no penalty. All other times was regular after the play smacking that everybody always does.

  6. Goon,

    If you lose respect for Turris for slashing, you should lose respect for every player that takes a penalty, INCLUDING Oshie, Chorney, Vandevelde (roughing last night), Zach Jones (cross-checking), Genoway (unsportsmanlike conduct), Kozek (charging) and everyone else who ever takes a penalty EVER on your team or any other. Don't get all self-righteous about Turris and then apologize for Kaip in the same post.

  7. NIN, in the same light Kyle Klubertanz was doing the same thing to Oshie all weekend with the getting in his space and slashing and hack, Oshie was able to get lose and score two points on Saturday.

    The Badgers aren't saints in this either, I am not sure what Eaves was crying about. WCHA tTeams are not going to let Turris get space and let him score goals. Teams did the same thing to Zach Parise.

  8. I said over on other places that Kaip committed a penatly, its just not as bad as people are making it out to be...

    LGM and Donald agreeing, who would have thought. I am sorry for jinxing your team I really thought Minnesota was primed for the picking. I still think they are.

  9. Goon- yeah, I bet you about fell off of your chair when I said I agreed with Donald! He had some valid points though.

    Oh yeah...YOU are to blame for the second period jinx. Why didn't I think of that sooner?!?! :) Had the Mavs not laid down for both nights during the second period, the games would have been ours. I personally think that overall the Mavs outplayed the Goofs.

  10. Goon- Like I said about the slashing, Turris was giving back what he was getting. Same case in point as Oshie/Klubertanz. And as I said, it was the cheap shot when he was going away from Smith that I thought was wrong on Turris, nothing to do with the slashing. Other than that, it was all fair in the slashing each other they had going on all weekend between pretty much all the players.

    You are right the Badgers aren't saints either, but they tend not to fight as much as most other teams, mainly because Eaves is against fighting. As for Eaves whining, I don't know about that. Both coaches were jawing at each other pretty good there so since we don't know what was being said, it's hard to say that he was whining.

    Turris probably isn't going to get space and shouldn't, you're right, but that doesn't mean he should receive a smack after every whistle.

  11. Okay, here is my 2-cents worth. If you haven't noticed they WCHA is using 2-refs and 2-linesmen, aka, NHL style.

    They are also calling more holding with a player has his hand off the stick while engaged with another player.

    So maybe, maybe, they will allow fighting back to college hockey. It MIGHT cut out some of the hacking/slashing that goes on during the game and after the whistle. If you take a "cheap shot" at another teams star player(s), now you can't do anything, with out getting thrown out for a game or two. If fighting was allowed the offending player would have to answer the bell, ding, ding, round one. In the end, it MIGHT cut down on the chippy play of everyone.

  12. Hey NIN, it sounds like we are agreeing. I think it is great that the blood pressure is up after this series and that fact that the Sioux have started the season out playing with some pride and won't have far to go to get it together, looks like Wisconsin has a decent goaltender. That stop on Miller was pretty good...

    The Rivalry, is back. I have to say that I am happy with a split in Madtown.

  13. I assume you're speaking of the reviewed play that resulted in a no goal. The bad part is, he had a save against Denver his freshman year that looked exactly the same. Perhaps being in position would be better though? He is a good goalie because he's really lucky, but luck plays a role in everything so I guess whatever gets the job done.

  14. Nin, the Miller shot that Connley knocked the puck out of his net. That was pretty cool.

  15. Regarding the hit...

    Although violent, I am not sure it would even be illegal. He was gliding for 30 feet or more, the took 2-3 stride and hit a guy with his head down. It is nothing like the hit on Bina and I would go so far as to say any player would do the same thing. In fact if you want to relate it to a common play, it reminds me of how a defenseman must feel when someone over the middle is looking back for a light em up. This was more tame than that.

  16. The more I looked/reviewed the tape the more I thought hey, I am not so sure that isn't a legal hit. Kaip kept his elbows down, he didn't leave his feet and Kaip was gliding before he took 2 steps and checked Smith.

    I have seen worse hits not get called.
