Goon's World Extras

Monday, November 05, 2007

Monday morning Ramblings

Sioux_7 can thank Marty for emailing me this very funny picture. So what the hell, I thought I would post it on the blog. For those of us that live in Fargo and Grand Forks, area have seen the goofy commercial on local television; chips are free dinner is extra. You also gotta love Paradiso because you get your meal free on your birthday, and they let you wear that silly hat as well.


St. Cloud State @ Michigan Tech - SCSU
Minnesota @ Minnesota State-Mankato - MSU-M
Minnesota-Duluth @ Colorado College - Tigers
North Dakota @ Wisconsin - Sioux


St. Cloud State @ Michigan Tech - Tie
Minnesota State-Mankato @ Minnesota - Gophers
Minnesota-Duluth @ Colorado College - tie
North Dakota @ Wisconsin - Badgers

Last week in my Picks I went 8-2
25-9 for the year.

What did he say?

In watching the end of the Gophers and Pioneers hockey game when Doug Woog started pontificating about how Tyler Bozak was the difference in the game with this hat trick, the score was 3-1 at the time. I thought, well yeah duh. I mean really you can't make this stuff up, it's classic Wooger... I suppose when your team is 0-4 in the WCHA and your favorite team is not playing well it probably can be a little painful to announce a game. Your right Doug Tyler Bozak had a great game, but how abou the Goaltending, Mannino was awesome or mention the lack of a game plan by the Gophers.

Over on Win Twins the SCSU and Twins Blogger gave her angle on the Gophers misfortunes.

HAH! Tweedle Dee (Frank Mazzocco) had the gall to say "Looking at the standings from the WCHA this morning, most people are probably wondering if they were printed upside down!" Umm, no, the rest of us in the WCHA are well aware that Minnesota is at the bottom with the big old goose egg, and frankly, we're laughing our ASSES off about it! :)

I have to admit that I enjoy a Gophers loss like the rest of us, in fact I think its funny to listen Frank and Doug spin each miserable painful loss. While it's fun watching the Gophers take it on the chin, I do have a hard time believing that the Gophers are as bad as their record. That being said, I do also see the Gophers losing a game to the Mavericks this weekend. Look for the refs to get the Gophers the split on Saturday night.


You have to love these anonymous trolls that go around on the Internet posting meaningless, hateful and spiteful drivel on other people's blogs. Of course these anonymous cowards never will put a name or a face to the bravo sierra that they post. In essence they are posting graffiti and vandalizing people's blog, simple mind give people simple thrills. Thanks to this kind of mindless juvenile behavior is the reason media blogger(s) like Mike McFeely have decided to shut the comments section of their blogs down instead of wading through meaningless moron-athons. Maybe this is the reason Gopher Blogger Hammy has never actually allowed comments on his blog.

1 comment:

  1. I thought you'd like that comment! :) I agree with you that the Gophs are not as bad as their record would make people assume. They'll come around, so that's why I'm enjoying this while it lasts! I also don't see them sweeping the Mavs this weekend as Frank and Doug seemed to think they would with the comment "it's a good thing the Gophers are playing MSU and UAA the next two weekends. That'll allow them to get some wins and regain their confidence." I predict they'll get their first WCHA points in the next two weekends, but sweeps are unlikely!
