Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Going Down? by Sioux 7

Just a little FYI for all the dedicated GOON'S WORLD readers. The Goon's computer has gone down, I'm not sure if it was a standing 8-count or a TKO, but the Goon's computer is out of commission for a little while. I will keep everyone updated when I get more info from the Goon.


  1. NEWS FLASH...

    The Goon told me, "My computer is actually at the geek squad repair center if you want to add that one."

  2. Goon thanks for giving my old classmate money! I still can't believe my parents didn't invest in Best Buy.

  3. So Goon's computer goes down right when hunting season is ready to go into full swing?

    Yeah I believe that.

  4. LOL....good point there Whistler. I'm gonna say it's only down because he can't plug it in out in "the wild" and the guys at the geek squad probably can't figure out why it doesn't work for him when he's duck hunting when it's not plugged in. (or whatever kind of hunting it is that he does)

  5. I think Goon got a little trigger happy... now we really know what happened to that Denver blob thing - what was it, oh yeah, a hawk!

    meanwhile the geek squad is wondering why those 'speed holes' aren't making it work any faster.
