Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Round Table Discussion: Hot Stove League

Goon's World sent out questions to various college hockey bloggers and here are their answers to the question I asked them. First up is Lets Go Mav's

How has your summer been?

Summer has been CRAZY but nice. Summer is always filled with many activities and I love the warm weather. If it wasn't for college hockey, winter would be a total bust.

Aside from summer activities I've been crazy busy at needless to say life for LGM is just nuts..thus, the lack of posting!

What are you doing to fill the void of no college hockey during the off

I sew up all the holes my old Sioux and Jutting Voo Doo dolls so they're ready for all the poking and witchcraft for the upcoming season. Watch out Sioux players (and some fans? ha ha...I should make a Goon and Dirty voo doo doll)...I'm going to hex you and poke your little doll until you hurt!!

Ok, SO kidding. Yet, wouldn't that be fun to have voo doo dolls of all the opposing players (or coaches) you hate?!? It would be quite the conversation piece when people come over. Luckily for me, Jutting already looks like the Chuckie doll so I don't have to make one for him.

Now really...what do I do to fill the void? Is there anything to really fill that void? I miss hockey really bad! I do fill my time with a crazy 40 hour work week and try to keep my sanity at the same time, go to the lake, golf, spend time with my family, hang with friends, go on trips, soak up the sun, go see live know, just about anything that's fun for a single 29 year old gal to do!

Are you excited about your team prospects for the upcoming season?

They're ok. Really, the incoming class isn't that big but I'm looking forward to seeing what some of them produce. I think Rylan Galiardi may be a pleasant surprise, if he plays anything like his brother TJ does. It'll be fun to see how he develops.

Really though, I'm more excited about our returning players. As long as Kalinski comes back, the Mavs should be in good shape.

What other sports do you watch during the off-season?

Twins baseball baby! It's all about the Twins in the summer. I try to watch as many of the games as possible and try to get to the dome for a few too. Thank god my friend's dad has SWEET season tickets...helping my trips to the Dome be more frequent!

In your opinion, will there be anymore players leaving early for the NHL/professional ranks?

Goon, how DARE you ask me this?!?!? Do you want me to start crying at the thought that Kalinski may be leaving? I'm staying positive that he's staying this year and I'm not letting myself even think about the NHL snatching him up. As of now, I would say he's the only Mav that could possibly go pro yet since Wagner already did.

As for other teams? Well, I would LOVE to see UND lose a bunch of their guys...such as Oshie. All the other teams get hit hard and then stupid UND gets to keep most of their guys. UGG! Sorry...had to throw the UND slam in there. Really though, it's about time UND loses some of their top players too!

Otherwise I think most of the players in the WCHA that are going to leave have already.

Which player defection do you think was the most costly to their team?

For MSU, Wagner was the only one to leave. His departure is not great for Maverick Hockey but for me personally it's like "don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out!!" He was a jerk to me and for that, he's forever scorned.

For other WCHA teams, I think Duluth was hit bad. I feel for them, because their losses this year compare to MSU's last year (losing Backes and Carter). When you're an "underdog" school losing a few of your best guys hurt way more than it does for schools like UND, U of M, and WI. Those programs have better chances at recruiting players just as good as the ones leaving, so their players leaving don't hurt as much. Poor UMD...they're tough though, so they'll pull through it. If now, we all know runninwiththedogs will go up to their arena and make them skate lines until they puke. Can't you just imagine her screaming "AGAIN!!" at any Bulldog that gives up?!?

Other schools...I don't know. I can't keep up with all of the losses. I would say (off the top of my head) that these are the worst for them:

UND- Towes
U of M- Goli
WI- Skille
SCSU- Gordon
UAA- Lawson (HA! So kidding. That kid was a FREAK...and he didn't go pro anyways)

Ryan Cardinal from the WCHA Blog answered the questions. His blog just came on line in recent past and it looks really good.

How has your summer been? (too long, too short, just right)

As much as I love the college hockey season, I enjoy summer because I feel it makes me appreciate the fall and winter more. That being said, now that we're within three months of the new season starting, I'm ready for summer to pass.

What are you doing to fill the void of no college hockey during the off

Aside from joining the blogging community, I've passed the time by working, playing hockey and softball, and trying to enjoy summer weekends.

Are you excited about your team prospects for the upcoming season?

As a Gopher fan, there aren't too many seasons where you can't find reasons for optimism before the year starts. This year is no exception. There are some concerns, such as losing three key defensemen in Mike Vannelli, Alex Goligoski, and Erik Johnson, but they return all of their forwards from the second-half of the year and bring in a pair of high-end freshmen forwards in the form of Pat White and Mike Hoeffel. The freshmen defensemen (Stu Bickel, Kevin Wehrs, and Cade Fairchild) all have extensive junior hockey experience, so that should help in the transition to the college game, but there will no doubt be a learning curve.

As we saw from last year's Gopher team though, the forwards were much more responsible in the defensive end, especially when you compare them to recent groups of Gopher forwards, and hopefully that trend will continue this fall. Jeff Frazee has been somewhat inconsistent during his first two seasons, but as he showed late in the year last season in a pair of games against North Dakota, he's ready to step up and be "the man" between the pipes. Freshman Alex Kangas should be able to spot Frazee admirably, as by most accounts he should be one of the better first-year goalies in the country.

What other sports do you watch during the off-season?

I love watching the NHL playoffs after the college hockey season wraps up, and enjoy watching the Twins as well.

In your opinion, will there be anymore players leaving early for the NHL/professional ranks?

I hope not, since the Gophers are generally one of the teams that gets hit the hardest each year (along with the likes of North Dakota, Michigan, etc.) and logic would say players like Kyle Okposo and Blake Wheeler are some of the most NHL-ready prospects in the NCAA. With most NHL teams having already held their prospect camps, I don't think anyone else will bolt this year (knock on wood).

Which player defection do you think was the most costly to their team?

I think that Cory Schneider's decision to turn pro will really hurt Boston College. Obviously the position of goalie is the most important in hockey, and now BC has junior Adam Reasoner, who has less than six minutes of experience at the NCAA level, and a pair of freshmen (John Muse and Andrew Margolin), who both played at New England-area prep schools last year. The Eagles lost just two regulars off last year's team that of course lost in the title game to Michigan State, so they are no doubt solid on forward and defense, but I think that inexperience between the pipes could cost them come March.


Here is Running with the Dogs answers to the questions.

How has your summer been?
Summer has essentially no meaning to worker bees like me. I'm not even taking a vacation this year.

What are you doing to fill the void of no college hockey during the off season?

I've done a little sailing, I'm working (obvs), and I've been running off and on. My softball season is over, which is kind of depressing. I've been posting sporadically on RWD, and I started a new blog, RWT, but those updates have gotten pretty sporadic, too. I'm writing the Great Canadian Novel.

Are you excited about your team prospects for the upcoming season?
I'm always excited for Bulldog hockey. I'm curious to see if we can make it at least into the middle ranks of the WCHA (7th or higher), but the season is so short, I look forward to every game. This will be the 4th season of RWD, and I can't wait to have actual content.

What other sports do you watch during the off-season?
I watch baseball, although I seem to be taking an extended All-Star Break. It should be noted that anyone who answers NASCAR is wrong: NASCAR is NOT a sport, you stupid hicks.

In your opinion, will there be anymore players leaving early for the NHL/professional ranks?
I think if players leave early, it will be because of team or personal issues rather than just a desire to move on. I certainly don't expect to see any more big name players leave.

Which player defection do you think was the most costly to their team? I think losing Matt Niskanen has hurt tUMD significantly. A PP QB is hard to replace, and he improved significantly throughout the year. He was one of My Guys as well, so on a personal level, I will miss him. Mason Raymond and Jon Toews were tough losses as well, but I think Nisky's departure has the biggest single impact. It's interesting that tDogs and tSioux have both lost an offensive defenceman and an electric forward. Obviously, one team is in a better position than the other, but it's notable parallel nonetheless.


The UNH hockey blog weighed in. I think you might like his snappy answers. Incidently UND and UNH play this winter in a non-conference matchup.

How has your summer been? (too long, too short, just right)

Summer, summer... oh yeah, we call it the Fourth of July round these parts - realll pretty fireworks.

What are you doing to fill the void of no college hockey during the off

What!? The season's over!? Shh!!! No one's supposed to know!

Are you excited about your team's prospects for the upcoming season?

Is there a reason why they call her Laura BUSH? I'm surprised no one's ever asked her that question in an interview - probably because of the really scary Secret Service agents all around. No, really, I've got two words for you - Regan. van Riemsdyk. That is SO two words! I'm excited to see Regan culminate his fantastic career - he's a fantastic goaltender (I at least attempt to play goal so I have a tremendous amount of RE-spect for the great goalies out there - ha, caught myself and didn't use fantastic again - ah damn!) and I enjoy watching someone so good at their craft.

It'll be great to see him on senior night and to watch him get his diploma. van Riemsdyk promises to be something I've never seen on the Whittemore Center ice - a big man who continuously gets the puck to the back of the net. Yet again - it is always great to watch a dominant player at their game. Really looking forward to seeing the entire freshmen class and the entire team just seems like it will be mature and ready to play - we're bringing the PAIN!

What other sports do you watch during the off-season?

There are other sports???

In your opinion, will there be anymore players leaving early for the
NHL/professional ranks?

It doesn't seem like it. There was a fire sale this past spring. Plus it's harder for the pros to take advantage of these impressionable youngsters in the fall when they're geared up for the upcoming season and not reeling from last season's final loss, looking for consolation, lonely, heartbroken - just looking for someone who'll listen to their pain... and give them actual, cold, hard cash! Yeah baby!

Which player defection do you think was the most costly to their team?

How 'bout - which player's departure hit you like a kick to the crotch from your first girlfriend when she dumped you on April Fools and you thought it was a joke - until she kicked you in the crotch and it made you just crumple to the floor and cry like a little baby... No. I'm okay. I don't want to talk about it. Oh, not just my team... well, I would have to say Schneider leaving BC. This is a team that didn't even really have a backup all year. Plus, have you seen their tuition!?

Go 'Cats!


Western College Hockey answers the questions

How has your summer been? (too long, too short, just right)

My summer has been pretty good. There are always a lot of fun things to do, but ever since I moved to Minnesota, I've hated the heat, so that part kind of sucks.

What are you doing to fill the void of no college hockey during the off

The best part about summer is that there are always a lot of very good hockey events to go to. It's not the same as going to a college hockey game, but it's fun to see a lot of different players, and there's nothing better than sitting in a cold rink on a really hot day.

Are you excited about your team prospects for the upcoming season?

Always. I'll admit Mankato's odds are a bit longer than some other teams, but anything can happen.

What other sports do you watch during the off-season?

I've been following the Twins on TV and the Tigers over the internet this summer. It's not great, but it gets me through the summer.

In your opinion, will there be anymore players leaving early for the
NHL/professional ranks?

Someone will probably sign towards the end of the summer once most of the free agents sign and teams figure out they may need an extra guy or two.

Which player defection do you think was the most costly to their team?

Steve Wagner probably would have played 55 minutes a night if he had stayed in Mankato, but he was ready to go. Jonathan Toews was probably the best player. I'd say Cory Schnieder was the biggest loss. BC will have two freshmen goalies, and while they're talented, there's a pretty steep learning curve in college hockey.

I thought I would take a stab at the questions as well.

How has your summer been? (too long, too short, just right)

I look forward to every summer as a time to enjoy the out doors. This summer I bought a new pair of rollerblades and have begun to get out on the blades again. I have also played about 20 rounds of golf and incidentally I just returned from a golf tourney where my record was a horrible 0-5 in match play. One of the rounds I played in was a mercy killing as my partner and I were closed out 7 and 6 in match play. Two of the losses in this tourney went down to the last couple of holes. I basically threw one match away three putting on the 16th hole missing two puts from two feet and in... I haven’t played as much golf as I would like because my schedule has not allowed it to happen. Kind of sucks since golf memberships are so expensive.

The flip side of summer being over half over is that soon I will be duck hunting again. Dakota is ready for the upcoming season.

What are you doing to fill the void of no college hockey during the off

Running with the dogs is going to kill me but I have filled the void by going to quite a few stock car races this summer. The greatest show on dirt the World of Outlaws recently came to Grand Forks and Fargo and so I took in both races as well as the World of Outlaws Late Models the second week of June. Sioux7 and I took the Saturday night World of Outlaws in the race in Fargo. On my other blog ND Red Neckyou can check out some of the pictures I have taken of the races I have been too this summer. I have also watched the first three seasons of 24 and season four is on the way as I just ordered it from

I do watch baseball but I have sort of become board with the thriftiness of Minnesota Twins owner Carl Pohlad. Don’t get me wrong I am a fan of the Minnesota Twins but as a twins fan I am tired of being the brides maid I would like to see the Twins do more than be competitive and win a division title. I would like to have the twins win another world series.

Are you excited about your team's prospects for the upcoming season?

I am excited about the Sioux this season mostly because of the unselfishness of UND’s star players to turn down professional contracts to take another shot at an NCAA title. As we know in life there are no givens except death and taxes but the Sioux have a good chance of winning a national title if they can play as a team. There are a few players that feel they have some unfinished business and made a pact to return to take another shot at an NCAA title. For that sacrifice I applaud, Chorney, Finley, Duncan and Oshie, they all could have taken the money and ran.

What other sports do you watch during the off-season?

Golf, Baseball, NASCAR and the outdoor life channel. For those who question whether race car drivers are athletes; let me ask you this question. Could you drive an automobile 500 miles at 195 miles an hours in a hundred degree heat and not get dehydrated? Most of us would tire out at 100 miles. To race a car you have to be in good shape. There are no fat boys in NASCAR or the WoO…

In your opinion, will there be anymore players leaving early for the
NHL/professional ranks?

God I hope so, I am sick and tired of watching these players be coaxed out of college to spend a bunch of years in the minor before making the big leagues. I don’t believe this B.S. that some professional teams think that the NCAA doesn’t develop players well enough for the professional ranks. I guess Matt Green, Travis Zajac, Zach Parise, Paul Martin, Keith Ballard, Dany Heatley didn’t develop in college.

Which player defection do you think was the most costly to their team?
UND was hit hard by Lee and Towes leaving but it was expected that J.T. was going to leave so it wasn't a shocker, it was more of matter of when he was going to sign. Lee wanted to go, and I wished he would have stayed but that is just the way things go. Lee's loss is a big loss, but he Sioux will get past it.

I think that Goligoski leaving Minnesota is a big blow to the Gophers. Goligoski was a class act and was no doubt an awesome hockey player. You can’t just go out and recruit a three year veteran of the WCHA wars, no one with Goli’s experience and talent. In my opinion Alex Goligoski was a top ten player in the NCAA and more than likely an All-American hockey player yet again.

Corey Schneider leaving at B.C. puts the Boston College Eagles in a precarious situation, none of their goalies have played more than a couple of game in college.

Goon's World team member Sioux07 took at stab at the questions

How has your summer been? (too long, too short, just right)

Summer is just the right length here, “three months of bad sledding”, so to speak.

What are you doing to fill the void of no college hockey during the off

It has been good, it has gone by quickly with trips for work and 2 weeks for vacationing in Europe, aahhh, Europe. Then all the other weeks, World of Outlaws with THE GOON. Tubing the Otter Tail River, helping neighbors paint there houses (I still have to paint mine :o ) Doing the Fargo street fair last weekend and watch the RedHawks play baseball. It has gone by quick I tell you. Another month or so and college football will be underway, my second favorite sport after hockey.

Are you excited about your team prospects for the upcoming season?

I’m more excited then a fat lady at a Ricky Martin concert.

What other sports do you watch during the off-season?

Does Pro Wrestling count ;) There are not that many sports going on in the summer months.

In your opinion, will there be anymore players leaving early for the
NHL/professional ranks?

I don’t think so, it is getting a little late in the year for that.

Which player defection do you think was the most costly to their team?

Defection, your talking about the Russians (the “ex” communists), and the trading of players from there to NHL right ;) I think they should let there players leave to play in the NHL, they are a democracy now, right.


Another Hockey East Blogger from For Here Men are Men this is the Boston College Eagles blog and he weighed in with his answers to the questions.

How has your summer been? (too long, too short, just right)
Waaaaaaaaaay too long.

What are you doing to fill the void of no college hockey during the off season?

-Working entirely too much
-Preparing for the upcoming football season
-Watching a lot of soccer and baseball
-Did I mention drinking??

Are you excited about your team prospects for the upcoming season?

Very. Cory Schneider's departure will be the albatross around the team's neck during the preseason, but we've got two very talented young goalies coming in. They won't replace him, but who can?? We'll have a lot of firepower up front and should have a rock-solid defense; the freshman goalies will be in good hands and there's no reason we can't make another run at the national title.
What other sports do you watch during the off-season?
Football (college and pro), soccer, NHL, some baseball. I also watch a lot of college hoops but other than three games it's played entirely during the college hockey season.

In your opinion, will there be anymore players leaving early for the
NHL/professional ranks?

This far past the draft, most likely not.
Which player defection do you think was the most costly to their team?
Schneider is the best player to leave early but the most costly in my opinion would have to be Mike Santorelli from Northern Michigan. They'll have an incredibly hard time replacing him.


  1. What is WoO?

    Besides being another non-sport, I'm sure.

  2. World of Outlaws, it the greatest show on dirt. It is the best sprint car tour in the World.

    Like Johnny Gibson the voice of the World of outlaws says before every feature, "always imitated but never duplicated the world of outlaws."

  3. What is a sprint car? Is that the sponsor?

