Goon's World Extras

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Do fans go to far?

Brad Schlossman's hockey blog has an interesting story about the Brian Lee's signing a professional contract and the response that has his signing has brought on by the some of "the Fans". I guess you could say that Brian Lee's leaving for the professional ranks has brought out a curious and in some cases classless response by some of the fans and I am sure that not all of them are Sioux fans some of them are from trolls that like to stir things up.

While it is not out of line to offer legitimate criticisms of a hockey players play and I believe that Brian's play while he was at UND was worthy of some critique. Some this stuff that was written was not constructive criticism or anything to do with debate and discussion; some of this stuff was pretty classless and of poor taste and really over the top. If you haven't seen it check out some of the stuff that was posted on the Herald Site.

I think it funny how some people are down right brave when they can post something and not put your name or face to the offensive comments. I also believe that as a society we have lost our civility and it's down right sad. People on the Internet have gotten to the point of out right hostility to anyone or any thing that they disagree with. Debate and and constructive criticism are healthy and there is nothing wrong with it, however, malicious comments with no content and purpose other than to be hurtful and out of line.


  1. See Goon...a lot of those Sioux fans are jerks!!

    You NEED to start listening to me:) I'm always right!! ha ha.

  2. LGM's LOL, Donna wrote a pretty good article on it too...
