Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Ducks on the Verge of being California's 1st Stanley Cup Winner.

Here is something to think about if you live in Canada or even in a Northern Tier State like Michigan, Massachusetts, Minnesota or New York. The 2007-2008 winner of the Stanley Cup is going to be in the State of California. Lets look at this further, the past three winners of the Stanley cup have resided in North Carolina, Tampa Florida and now Anaheim California. With the game on Wednesday night, the Ducks are going to win the Stanley Cup for the first time.

Daniel Alfredson is a classless hack

There is no doubt in my mind that Ottawa's Daniel Alfredsson deliberately shoot the puck at Rob Niedermayer in the last seconds of the second period of last nights game, Alfredson almost single handidly caused a brawl to end the second period. That has to be one of the most classless acts that I have witnessed in hockey for quite sometime. The thing that really burns my ass is that Alfredsson got nothing, no penalty or suspension. The refs also should have let Niedermayer clean his clock and Daniel is lucky the refs stepped in when they did.

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