Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

NHL to Winnipeg?

Winnipeg return intrigues commish

ANAHEIM, Calif. -- NHL commissioner Gary Bettman gave his strongest indication yet Monday that having a team return to Winnipeg could happen one day.

Bettman, in his state-of-the union address to the media before Game 1 of the Stanley Cup final, referred to an editorial in a Canadian newspaper he read this week which suggested that if the NHL did add another Canadian team it should go back to Winnipeg first because they have a new building and the NHL owes it to them.

"I'm not opining on whether or not that's an opinion that I agree with, but it is an interesting and intriguing thought," Bettman said in a comment that raised eyebrows.

While he stressed that there really hadn't been that much thought put into it at this point and that he had no plans for any current NHL teams to re-locate or for the league to expand, he does see the chance for Winnipeg to get a team back one day.

"When we had the chance to go back to Minnesota, we did. Because it made sense, the right ownership, the right building situation," said Bettman. "The market was strong and vibrant. We haven't studied Quebec City or Winnipeg or anywhere else in Canada, but the notion that if it could work to put a franchise back in a place where one was lost, feels good -- provided we don't wind up in a situation where we've created a prescription for another failing franchise.

"So am I intrigued? It's obviously something I've thought about in terms of trying to make right something that one point in our history went wrong."

The Jets left Winnipeg for Phoenix after the 1995-96 season. Bettman believes the salary cap and revenue sharing facets of the current collective bargaining agreement provides a chance for a market like Winnipeg to make a go of it.

But another team in Toronto? Bettman is not a fan of that idea, despite the fact there are three clubs in the New York/New Jersey area and two teams here in Southern California.

This would be one of those stories that are just too good to be true. But hey; who doesn’t like a good story. This would especially be good news for hockey fans in North Dakota that can still fondly remember the Jets of the 1990's. I am already hoping this story comes true some day. It would defiantly good news.

I know Sioux_7 and I would definitely go to a few of the games. We went to about four o them together back in the 1990’s during college. I can also remember when my father and taking to me to a few games on Boxing day, in fact I can remember seeing the North Stars play the Jets one December 26th back in the 1990's. I know its only speculation and there is a reason that the Winnipeg Jets left for the frozen prairie for the desert in Phoenix (not that they are doing that well in Phoenix either).

That being said that one of the reasons the Jets couldn't remain viable/competitive in Winnipeg was that they played in the old run down dumpy Winnipeg arena. That problem has been addressed and the new Winnipeg franchise would have a brand new MTS Center to play in


  1. I too would like to see Winnipeg get an NHL team again.

    I do believe that the Nashville Predators were sold, to a Canadian man with obviously a lot of money. The NHL, of course, has rules about moving teams. Like a 6 year waiting program after the sale, except if there are attendance problems (which Nashville has, less the 14,000 per game). SO it is possible that if their attendance doesn't improve they can get around that issue.

    The next issue is stadium size. Yes Winnipeg has a new stadium, but it "only" holds around 13,000, the NHL wants seating for at least 18,000. I can't image adding on to an arena that is only a couple of years old, that seems a little absurd to me.

    If thinks do come to fruition and Winnipeg lands a team, the Goon and I will probable make a couple a trips a season to watch some NHL hockey and sip a couple of beers too.

  2. Holds 15,000+, i think they can find room for maybe 1000 nosebleed seats to bring it up to 16,000. But seats arent everything, and winnipeg could make a killing selling pay per view to prairie hdtv's.

  3. all I can say is YYYEEEESSSS please. It was a blast going up there for a game.
