Goon's World Extras

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Memorial Day

As we celebrate the memorial day weekend, lets not forget the Men and Women fighting overseas in harms way to defend this great nation. This weekend is about honoring sacrifices, as you know freedom is not free. Many people gave their lives protecting our nations freedoms we enjoy today, like the freedom of speech. As a veteran I would like to thank those fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan and those standing watch at our nations military bases around the world. Thank you for your service, you are not forgotten.

Check out this video video kicks ass


  1. Not to bring politics to your doorstep but since I'm also a veteran I'd just ask you to ponder something.

    The saying "Freedom is not free" obviously has resonance for many folks. But to me "Freedom not given freely isn't really Freedom at all" ... if there is a price for "freedom" then it is something other than "free" isn't it. Perhaps it's a bit esoteric but I'd advocate that we should strive to give/attain freedom without requiring a price and until we do so then we really aren't free nor are we providing freedom to anyone.

  2. Yikes, I just got a head ache reading that, maybe its the strain of work or fighting to stay awake I am not sure. To me freedom is say: the Freedom of speech. Take Rosie for example she is a disgusting slobish moron but she has this freedom to say stupid and vile things as a result of living in this great nation that we live in.

    I think the same people she bad mouths paid for her freedoms with their lives.

  3. In no way validating what that woman says (although the only people I've ever heard badmouth a soldier is those West-whatever religious freaks) - I think what Donald is trying to say is that they paid that price willingly. To use their sacrifice to leverage the living is shameful to their sacrifice.

  4. I suppose more than anything else I'd just advocate that we each give consideration to the meaning behind the sometimes trite phrases (blurbs, sayings etc) that get tossed around politically. 4 or 5 or 6 word phrases really can't encapsulate a concept like "Freedom".

    Um ... it's like when you were 13 and your Ma gave ya 50 bucks for your birthday. And then when you blew it on something completely ridiculous (as 13 year olds tend to do) she turns around and gives you a rash of shit. Gee Ma ... Did ya give me the money or not?

    Saying Freedom is not free attaches a condition to the concept that I don't think should be there. Perhaps not the best example but just something beyond a "bumper sticker" saying to consider.

    And again Goon ... not my intent to bring too much esoteric philosophy to an otherwise good intention.
