Goon's World Extras

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Linkorama: Goon's World makes an appearance on RWD's

Goon Steps into the Fray

Here are the questions for the article that I contributed to:
RWD's Article Obviously for editing purposes RWD didn't have room for all of the article. RWD's asked some really good questions that deserve answers. I would also like to thank her for having the opportunity to contribute to her blog, I would never consider it stooping. Besides I have a bad back from my bad golf game so I do as little stooping as possible. Goon's World is a big fan of Donna's RWD blog. Oh by the way; I believe that Red Necks are just missunderstood but also it's a full time job.

Running with the Dogs want my feedback/thoughts on the season that just

Are you satisfied with the season your team had? Why/why not?
Satisfied: I think based on the personnel losses that the Fighting Sioux
suffered during the off-season, the Sioux lost: Drew Stafford, Spirko, Jordan Parise, Matt Smaby and Travis Zajac (two of those guys are playing in the Stanley Cup playoffs). Think about this? Can you imagine how good this team could have been if all of the horses would had been back in the stable for the 2006-2007 season? Sioux fans are probably talking about how good the Sioux were during the 2006-2007 on their way to winning banner number 8. So I don’t think you can say this season was that bad. It wouldn’t have been a shocker if the UND Fighting Sioux had finished in the middle of the WCHA say in 6th place and home for the playoffs.

Based on how the season ended you really have to give credit to Head Coach Dave Hakstol, the man might be one of the better coaches in the league if not the country. It wouldn’t have been an understatement to say that the Sioux started out pretty bad, they were 7-10-1 at the Christmas Break. The rest of the season the Fighting Sioux lost one game in regulation as they finished the second half of the season like 17-4-4. Championships are won in February, March and April so the Sioux managed to turn it around and make a run when it counted the most. It doesn’t matter what you do at the beginning of the season if you can’t play your best at playoff time. So as a Rabid Sioux fan I can’t be disappointed in a season that ends in the
semifinals of a third consecutive trip to the Frozen Four.

2. What does it take for you to be satisfied with your team's season?
To be competitive, to never say die to give 100 percent every night. I think as PCM said over on Sioux Sports; that UND fans are spoiled. In the whole grand Scheme of things UND is comparable in hockey as football is to Florida or Florida State. Our program is that good and we expect it every year and I am not so sure all of the fans appreciate the fact that our team is so good almost year after year, it takes a lot to keep a program at such a high level for so long. Yeah were spoiled rotten, my buddies over in Bemidji say that same thing. Based on what happened this season I am 90 percent satisfied. I want to see the Sioux win another national title in the near
future but losing this season didn’t smart as bad as it did in 2004.

3. What is a great season for your team?

Finishing at or near the top of the league, making the final five and going
to the NCAA playoffs and hopefully to another frozen four.

4. What is do you consider to be a bad season for your team?

Not doing the things that stated in number three.

5. What is an unacceptable season for your team?

I remember going to games at the end of the Gino Gasperini era. This was when I first got to Grand Forks. It was really hard to stay interested in the team, but I still didn’t miss many games, I suppose maybe three games from 1993-1995. During these lean years hard any body went to the games, you could hear a pin drop and it wasn’t uncommon to have one more picture of beer at the Down Under instead of going to the game on time, it was like so what if you miss the drop of the puck. Those years sucked. Then when Blaiser turned the team around the swagger returned and you couldn’t get a ticket. Coach Blais raised the bar and expectations in this town, so there is a very fine line with what is acceptable in this town.


  1. Goon,

    I forgot to thank you for your response. I didn't realize how much work you were going to put into it! I'm glad you posted it here, since it was much longer than a normal questionnaire response.

    The NADER thing came about by accident, I had named the "group" and then I realized what the initials were, and thought it was hilarious!

  2. Hey No problem. It was a lot of fun.

  3. Goon- just admit love Nader and the Nader comment RWD did. We all know deep down inside you're a very liberal democrat. I'm pretty sure I spotted you walking around GF with a "I love Hilary" t-shirt:)

    In fact, aren't you going to get other sportsmen's votes for Hilary by promoting deer pee with her name on it?!?!

  4. Deer pee with Hilary's name on it might be quite fitting.... Sorry, it had to be said. :)

  5. WT- don't start in on that too....I know you also have a shirt that matches Goon's:)

    Maybe deer pee wasn't the best example but like I know what else hunters use!!
