Wednesday, April 04, 2007

So is Fighting Staged? Duh.

Here is an interesting perspective. Watch be George Laraque and the L.A. Kings tough guy Ivanans agree to a fight after the face off then commence to kicking each others ass. Notice the fans as they cheer in approval. Last night during the Wild Game when Radivojevic and Thorson had a spontaneous and great fight that resulted from the Wild players going hard to the net.

As long as fighting is in the game there will continue to be these discussions. I believe fighting is part of the game and isn't going to go away anytime soon. Lets call it a necessary evil. Those that think fighting isn't part of hockey live under a rock and are in denial and I also suggest that they stick to other sports like figure skating.


  1. Let's face it - fighting is fun! It has been a cultural, friendly practice since the dawn of humanity. Didn't you have a brother? My brother and I fought ALL the time! They're just having fun! Leave them alone! No, no. Wait! That's it, no more fun! This is a sport! It's serious! Nobody should be having any fun playing a sport especially when they are being paid six figures or more to play it!

    -Seriously tongue-in-cheek!

    Go 'Cats!

  2. I have to admit that I love a good fight and a rough game. Some of these goon's can barely skate though. The Boogey man has worked real hard on his game but he has a way to go.

  3. Fighting is a good part of the game, it lets them take out some frustration in a "creative" way.

    The thing is the NON-hockey crowd sees the Chris Simon incident and relates that to fighting. They need to separate those incidents from fighting. What Chris Simon did, was, committ a crime, by swinging his stick with every intention of hitting him in the face like a baseball bat. That type of behavior should not be tolerated.

    As for 2 tough guys "agreeing" to fight, that is the correct way to do it, just like in a boxing match.
