Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Funny Joke

I have seen this joke a few times

I saw this joke on the Internet yesterday and Sioux_7 sent it to me in my email. I think it sums think up pretty well and its funnier than hell.

When I get to Heaven

It's 40 years from now, and most of the coaches we know and love have passed on to their Better Reward.... Red Berenson, Dave Hakstol, George Gwozdecky, Jerry York, Mike Eaves, etc.

Today, Don Lucia arrives in Heaven. God takes Don on a little tour of the place. They jump in a beautiful gold Cadillac, with God at the wheel, and cruise through a neighborhood of attractive homes bordering a golf course.

"There's Red Berenson's house," says God, as he points to a beautiful 10-room home painted maize and blue, with Michigan flags fluttering in a row down the long, luxurious drive. "Wow, that's nice," says Don. "And look over there: that's Mike Eaves' place." God nods towards a beautiful red and white 10-room home with a gorgeous lawn and Wisconsin flags festooning a long beautiful drive. "Very tasteful," says Don.

One by one, God points out similar homes belonging to coaches, all in beautiful settings. They finally arrive at Don's house, which is also a beautiful 10-room house, maroon with gold trim, with Gopher flags lining the drive, just as beautiful as the rest. "Gee, it's gorgeous," Don says.

They get out of the car, walk up the steps, and Don oohs and ahs over the house. But as he stands on the steps admiring the lawn, for the first time he notices the mansion across the street. It's huge and luxurious--at least 50 rooms, and is painted in the most beautiful Green and White color Don has ever seen, the lawn is so beautifully landscaped it nearly takes his breath away. But what really catches his eye is the larger-than-life-size bronze Sioux statue on a 6-foot tall granite
pedestal, and a huge line of UND flags lining the longest drive that they've seen all day, and it's paved with pure gold bricks.

"Hey, God?" Don asks tentatively. "I don't mean to seem ungrateful, but why do Red, Mike and I get 10-room houses, but Dave Hakstol gets such a huge gorgeous mansion?"

"Don," says God, "that's not Dave's house: that's MY house."

Final Thoughts

Lastly, let hope Hakstal is still around in 40 years by my math he would only be like 78, but the joke is funny. Typical tDon complaining about something.


  1. ...and then on a tour of hell they came upon a cave with gold and purple streamers and a Stomper flag..."hey, why does Jutting's cave....."

    HA HA HA!

  2. Poor Jutting everyone give him a hard time. He probably gets the 10 room mantion like everyone else.
